Uplift and implant advice Started by: Natalie

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  • Natalie

    Hi I’ve been to see two surgeons regarding my boobs one who advised I have enough breast volume to do an uplift and also had enough breast volume to cover implant he would go to 300cc but feels I would get a better result with just a lift . Another who said he would prefer to do a lift but if I wanted implant maximum would be 275 cc. I’m currently a 36d not been measured but just what I wear and it feels comfortable . How did you decide if you wanted implants ? Or did you just decide on a lift in two mins and can’t decide. Also I have half saved up , however I’ve heard you can take half on finance without a credit check , my credit history isn’t that great due to an abusive ex taking out loans in my name . Police was involved but unfortunately said it was a civil matter . Does anyone know if this is true just want them doing now rather than having to continue saving . Payment options would be easily met. Any advice would be great thanks xxxx

    Leah 10

    Hello sorry can’t help on the finance side… I have however just had an uplift with 300cc implant. My surgeon was Mr Netri he asked me what I wanted the finish look to be & decided implants and lift was the best for my desired look. I was a 38DD (very empty with lots of loose skin) I wanted them lifting back to where they should be and also the loose skin to be filled (where the implant came into play) I honestly couldn’t be happier with how they are looking – just 3 week post op so still in the drop and fluff phase but I am already over the moon! My loose baggy skin at the top of my chest is no more, they are back where they were before children and I have my confidence back 🙂 I will upload some pictures for you with before and afters xx

    Leah 10


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    Emma S 46

    Hi Natalie
    I had an uplift with implants 11 weeks ago and I wasn’t sure what I needed.
    My surgeon was Dr Giannas,
    My size was a saggy 34 b/c flat & empty.
    I wanted more upper pole volume so my surgeon suggested to achieve this I would need an implant to get the desired look.
    He said no bigger than a 275cc as the bigger the implant the more likely they will sag in the future … I decided on 250cc moderate plus.
    I now measure a 34 DD .. which I am very happy with ?
    I’m not sure about the finance.
    I’ll upload some pics for you,
    Hope this helps
    Emma x

    Emma S 46

    Here are my pics ..
    as you can see I have the lollipop scar so I don’t have the horizontal scar under my breast.

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    Hi emma who did your surgery please

    Emma S 46

    Hi Gemma
    My surgeon was Dr Giannas with MYA.
    I would definitely recommend him.

    Becky -3

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    Hi that’s correct about doing a finance contract with mya this is what I have done. I’m having my surgery the 17th of February with ms lutz having mastopexy and augmentation with 300c In from of muscle. I’m a empty 34D and was a little concerned on the size of implant not being big enough after looking around and speaking with my surgeon I now understand it’s the best choice so excited yet nervous

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Becky -3.
    Leah 10

    @holmes91x I was a 38D very empty. I had 300cc over muscle HP round & I’m now 38F went for 300’s after surgeon advice about the heavier ones possibly causing early sagging. Had a wobble thinking they wouldn’t be big enough but so glad I followed advice 🙂 xx

    Becky -3

    Aw amazing when did you have your surgery do have before and afters. Yes my surgeon said the same about sagging quicker hard when you don’t know the end result x

    Leah 10

    I am 8 week PO now 🙂 I have pics from 7 weeks I will attach them. They have changed a little again from the pictures I think it’s just a waiting game with the drop and fluff but see changes each week and fall in love even more with them. On The photo attached my right is still healing from a spitting stitch that’s been a little awkward

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    Emma who was your surgeon please? Your stitches are so neat x

    Emma S 46

    Hi Kate
    My surgeon was Dr Giannas .. I’m so happy and I chose him because everyone was saying in the forum
    At how best his stitching is and with the lift I felt that was important to me.

    Lucie 2

    Hiya! You are the same starting size and I’ve been advised an uplift and Inplant. Please may you post a pic? X

    Donna 1

    Hey these look great
    I had my implants 13 years ago when was cheap 😂 and now I’m looking to get done again but smaller only a bit but today on e consult the pc said may need a life
    Are u happy?

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