UPLIFT & IMPLANT WITH MR MAHDI – Before and After Pictures please. Started by: Elle Davies

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  • Elle Davies 21

    Hi Girls

    I am booked in with Mr Mahdi for July 15th i am having HP 350CC Overs with an uplift. As it is getting closer i am getting a bit nervous about the shape and scaring. I am not too fussed on the size i just want to have nice shaped perky boobs as i have very saggy and lifeless C/D’s atm. If any of you have before and after pictures that you wouldnt mind sharing i would be more than grateful.

    Thank you xxx

    EmmaLou xx 16

    Hi Ellie, how did you get on? My story sounds similar to yours! Not exactly wanting big boob just less saggy ect. I am a similar size to you. Would love to hear about your procedure or consult and see how you got on! 🙂 x

    Elle Davies 21

    Hello Emma, I am 7 days post surgery and I absolutely love them. I would highly recommend Mr Mahdi if you havnt already chosen your surgeon.

    I have attached my before and 1 days post op pic. I am getting my dressing changed on Tuesday so I will have a pic of the scaring then too so I’ll post some more. Xxx

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    EmmaLou xx 16

    Hi Ellie- you look fantastic!! What cc’s did you have.? Over or under? I have similar boobs to you but mine are further apart and would love mine to turn out like yours! 🙂

    Elle Davies 21

    Aww thank you Emma, I have high profile overs with 325cc in my left and 350cc in my right because my left was bigger. Xxx


    Hi girls got appointment with Mahdi on Friday about uplift & didn’t want implant but gonna need 1 soooo very nervous are you all happy with outcome? X

    Elle Davies 21

    Hi Lynn, yes I am over the moon with my outcome. Mr Mahdi is brilliant I am 8 weeks post op now and my scars from him are so neat. I will attach some pictures for you to see my results. The first 2 pictures are my boobs at 6 weeks the last picture are my scars now after I have been using Kelo-Cote scar gel, i highly recommend it xxx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Elle Davies 21.
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    Elle Davies 21

    Scars after using Kelo-Cote scar gell for just 2 weeks xxx It won’t let me upload the picture unfortunately x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Elle Davies 21.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Elle Davies 21.

    They look fabulous how did you find the pain?

    Elle Davies 21

    Aw thank you I am so pleased with them. I didn’t react very well to the anaesthetic so I felt very strange after surgery and don’t a while to come round properly. Whilst I was still in the hospital I just felt numb but then when I got home and up until day 4 I was in a lot of pain taking tablets every 4 hours. After day 4 though the pain eased off alot then after a week I would say I was pain free then apart from the odd ache xxx


    Hi Elle how long did you have off work afterwards???

    Olivia 14

    Hiya, how are you getting on with scarring now? I’m having the exact same procedure on the 21st. Thank you Xxx

    Elle Davies 21

    Hi Kirsty I just had 1 week off work completly resting then went back to work but just office based for the 2nd week then was back to normal from 3rd week xxx

    Elle Davies 21

    Hi Olivia, my scars have heeled really well I am so pleased with them. I have been using kelo Cote scar gel and bio oil every morning and night which I would highly recommend when you are 6 weeks xxx
    I have tried to add a pic of scars recently so you can see but not sure if it will upload.

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    Olivia 14

    Hey Elle, they’re healing so well!!! How did you find recovery? Also, what were Mr Mahdi’s post op instructions? Did you have to wear strapping? Did you start wearing your post op bra immediately? Thank you so much!! Xxx

    Elle Davies 21

    Hi Olivia, I can’t believe how well I am heeling I was expecting alot worse from seeing different peoples results. Mr Mahdi I fab though I can’t recommend him enough and his scars are so neat he’s amazing at his work you are definitely in safe hands. I had a good recovery tbf so issues or problem thankfully. I completey rested for the first work as I was fortunate enough to be waited on day and night. The pain was bad from day 2 to day 4 then it eased off alot and after a week a returned to work. Mr Mahdi doesn’t use strappings but does make you wear the support post op bra straight away and only take it off to change. I have a mya Instagram with my stages on if you wish to follow me on there to have a look at my progress pics it’s mya_mastopexywithimplant150718


    Olivia 14

    He’s done an absolutely amazing job and your results are fabulous!!! Hope mine turn out half as good as yours. I will follow you now. I only have a normal account not a BA account. Thank you xxx

    Jennie -1

    Hi Elle, I had my consultation today and will hopefully be going with Dr Mahdi. I just wondered if you had any recent pictures and how the scars have healed as I am really concerned about scars with needing an uplift.
    Yours look amazing, u must be so happy:) x

    Jennie -1

    Hi Elle. So sorry to message again as I have messaged you a couple of times today with different messages 🙂 I seen that you have an Instagram page. My name is Jennie and I’ve requested to follow you to see your journey. The other messages I sent were just to ask about scars and how there looking now as that’s my biggest concern, it has been suggested that I use Dr Madhi and I see you had him too so any advice would be appreciated. Again apologies for the several messages. I had my consultation today so got so many questions in my head:) x

    Claire 1

    Hi Elle, what bra size are you in now they’ve settled?

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