uplift /implants Started by: princess c ♡

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    im hoping to be getting uplift/ implants next year can anyone tell me what the scarring is like? and are you happy with the results ?also does anyone know if you just get larger implants will that lift them a little ,i really dont want all the scars as iv heard they can be bad , so just seeing is there any other opitions ?


    I had uplift and 390cc implants 6 weeks ago. Over the moon with my results. Such an improvement! Very early days in terms of scarring but I was happy to have scars to get a nice shape again and to get rid of my old nasty boobs! Add me if you like, I’ve got quite a few pics up!

    minisha -1

    @5stonedown how soft are yours after 6 weeks? Im one week post op and feels like they will stay solid and not move forever 🙁 x


    Getting softer but still very firm. I have the polyurethane implants though and they take 60 days to soften!

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