I had the exact same, uplift with slight reduction to my left. Everyone is different I personally felt very little pain, more stiffness when moving and anticipating pain than anything else. I was advised to take the pain killers to stop the pain before it happened but had to stop taking them after the second day as they made me feel nauseous all the time. I took paracetamol when I felt discomfort from then on but the pain was minimal, accidental knocks and forgetting I was healing and maybe moving too quickly were the only times I felt anything. I spent the first day in bed when I got home but after that I was fine to go out and go back to normal (ish) make sure you eat as I felt faint as I wasn’t eating very much. I was advised to use kilocote, more expensive for the small bottle, I stopped using after a month I’m quite happy with the stage my scars are at but they will never fully go. Sorry for the long message anything else I’d be happy to answer, everyone is different though I guess x