Uplift with implants, anyone have similar stats Started by: Mel

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  • Mel 1

    Looking for similar stats.
    I’m 5ft 5. 75kg. An empty 34DD.
    Had my consultation and booked in for 13th July with La Belle Forme. There was only 1 surgeon available in Scotland through MYA, so went with someone else.
    Been recommended low profile 300cc. But tried on 320cc during appt. Does anyone have similar stats to be able to show me? I’m just worried they’ll be too small, I’m wanting to fill out my frame and have them voluptuous and shapely. Will 300 be enough?

    Hope you can help 😊

    Bee 42

    Hey Mel, I had quite similar stats to you when I had my surgery in 2021. I had uplift with implants 300cc mod plus. If you’re an empty 34DD I’m surprised you’re having low profile – I would suggest mod plus or high profile if you want them voluptuous and shapely. I was recommended mod plus as I was quite wide and the surgeon said they’d be more suited to my frame but I really wish I could’ve had high profile for more volume and projection. I’m really glad I went for 300cc as I was conscious of the fact that more weight usually means more sagging after the implants etc have settled. I won’t post any photos as I’m actually having another uplift in October this year (my revision). 300cc will make a huge different if you’re already a DD! Xx

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