Uplift with implants – swelling and weird feeling Started by: H

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  • H

    So I’m 18 DPO. I had 300 cc mentor moderate + textured over the muscle implants with an uplift with Mr Giannis in London.

    I had been very unhappy with my boobs for a long time, and after I lost a load of weight they looked awful. Would say ended up an empty C cup with damaged stretched skin, hence the uplift was wanted and needed

    So had the operation, all good, very pleased with ‘my girls’ . Mr Giannis was brilliant, such a lovely man

    But I have questions. I have spoken to the nurse about my concerns when having the dressings changed, but seeing if I can get reassurance from you lovely lot.

    I had my dressings changed 9 days post op. Didn’t notice until the main dressings came off that had a small amount of swelling in between my boobs, the nurse felt it and said it wasn’t a seroma, and she wasn’t worried about it, but I just hope it goes down. Anyone else have similar to what I have? (Can see better on 16 DPO pic)

    On day 13 PO I started to feel a weird sensation inside my left boob (which I might add I can’t feel the nipple in this one and my boob is generally a little more sore and tender than the right one on the outer side) which I can only describe as it feels like movement or fluttering. First of all I was convinced that when I stood up and felt it, that the implant was flipping around. It’s not as there is no change in the shape, nothing visible to see when it happens, but yet it’s the feeling from the inside out. Again spoke to the nurse about it and she examined them, said they were fine and what I am feeling is normal. This is only happening in one side.

    I was hoping to have my dressings off when I went 15 DPO, and although I’m healing really well, I still have a small wet wound underneath, so they have redressed them and I’m due to go back in 4 days for another check up.

    Now I’m looking at my boobs and thinking one is looking bigger than the other. I know I’m really early stages of my recovery, and have to be patient for them to drop and fluff, and I know nobody is guaranteed perfect symmetry or size, as that’s just the human body. The nurse again reassured me not to worry as it’s all part of the healing process and my body is adjusting to the implants . May possibly be one side is fluffing quicker than the other, which again I hear is normal

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by H.
    • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by H.
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    Bee 42

    Hey, glad you’re healing ok! I had the exact same procedure as you, even 300cc implants, back in 2021 but with a different surgeon. I felt the same after my surgery – my left breast was slightly larger than my right however I accepted that this was a risk following an uplift. I had an issue with the size and shapes of my areolas, especially my left, and pushed for revision surgery. I had a reductive mastopexy this week with Dr Giannas and agree he’s amazing. I have strapping/tape on so I haven’t actually seen what they look like yet.

    Looking at yours, one is looking bigger at the moment but this is definitely normal and I was the same a few years ago but trust me they change so much over the first few weeks and even more so over the first few months. I was still unhappy 3 months post op though which is when I got back in touch with MYA and wanted to start conversations with my previous surgeon about potential revision surgery. Keep an eye but also keep in conversations with your patient coordinator and ensure you’ve got the 3 month post op with the surgeon in to discuss any concerns just in case you don’t end up being happy with the results


    Hey Bee

    Hope you are doing ok after your surgery this week.
    I’ve seen so many photos of 1 boob being slightly larger than the other, and i know none of us are perfectly symmetrical. We can be so self critical of our own appearance. I’m just the same as everyone with their concerns, and it’s nice to hear from others who know what it’s like to go through an operation like this.
    So with you, it was more to do with the size of the nipples, 1 being larger than the other as opposed to the size of the breast that made you push for revision? I haven’t really had an opportunity to look at my nipples yet, only briefly the other day when the dressings were changed.
    I have been told with the damage already caused to my skin from weight gain/loss, that I might have to have another uplift at some point. Hopefully with a good support bra I can ward that off for a while x

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by H.
    Bee 42

    Hi! Healing well thank you. Resting and sticking to paracetamol a bit more than codeine because the bloating etc was awful last time around! Sleep isn’t great with the v pillow but managing. How are you feeling?
    Totally agree, we can be so self critical and it’s a huge operation. It was more to do with the size of the nipples, yes, but also the shape. The old surgeon made a right mess of them to be honest! I was seriously unhappy. Now 3 years later I’ve finally had the revision. I lost weight too prior to surgery so my skin has been quite loose hence the need for a second uplift. Support bras will do us the world of good! Your results look fabulous so far and will keep changing. I think it took me at least a year to settle into my implants and have them feel a full part of me which seems crazy but when I look back now so much changes in the first 12 months xx


    Glad you’re resting up. I’m taking Co-codamol more to ease my back as only thing that seems to take it off. I’m sorry to hear your first surgeon made a mess of things for you. This surgery takes a lot of research, courage, let alone the cost of it, and to end up feeling like they let you down must have been soul destroying. I’m glad you have had your surgery, and hope the results are what you want, especially with the uplift too. And well done on your weight loss as well xx

    Bee 42

    Glad it’s working.
    Thank you so much. Hope your results are what you want as well, happy healing and take care xx

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