Uplift – with or without? Scar worries Started by: Kelly

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  • Kelly

    hi, I’m at my initial consultation stage. I’ve got a consult booked with Dr Mounir in a couple of weeks.
    I’m currently 34J and not too happy with my boobs out of their bra. They’re not a disaster but I feel uncomfortable without a bra on.
    I know I need an uplift but never thought of an implant too. Guess the surgeon will advise me. I don’t want to lose size. I’m a fan of having big boobs 🙂
    The anchor scar scares me but the nipple moving is the thing that makes my stomach turn.
    I’d really love to see photos of Mounir’s work for uplifts with and without implants. Hoping scars will heal to hardly nothing.
    Interested to know true recovery time too and any stories of loss of sensation too.
    I’d love less heavy boobs but feel it’s a big step.


    Hi Kelly! I’m booked in for an uplift no implants in December 🙂
    I have 34D boobies at the mo – I considered having implants but for me with the added risk of complications i decided to go with just the lift for now. Also my boobs are quite saggy already and the weight of an implant can lead to them getting saggy again in the future. But once I’m all healed I might consider them then, see how i feel. Oh and don’t worry about the nipple – they dont move/remove your nipple just all the skin around it and then sew up the gaps so it ends up higher. Fun times! Hope your consult goes well 🙂 xx


    Thanks Rosie. I thought they physically moved the nipple itself. Yikes. Your version sounds better!
    Am scouring images at the mo to see various stages.
    Keep me posted on your new boobs!!


    Hi! I had an uplift and slight reduction with Mr Mounir a few weeks ago and I’m honesty amazed! Can easily go without a bra now and they just don’t move ?
    As for the scarring mine is still healing, but in some areas where the scabs have come and gone I can barely even see a line so I’m hopeful that the rest will go this way, as I am quite pale I was prone to keloid scarring too so I am definitely very impressed! I’ll try get some photos for you soon if you want xx


    Hi Rebekah, that’s so reassuring that you’ve had Dr Mounir. Can’t imagine my boobs not wobbling and rolling about! Sounds great.
    Would really appreciate photos. I’m on a mission to see healing month by month.
    It’s such a big thing to have done in my eyes and it’s reassuring to hear positive results. xx


    These are the only two photos I have at the min but compared to what they were the scars are heading really well! I was so scared before but now I’m so glad I’ve had it done… The scars were my main concern but they are healing really well! Good luck xx


    The scars are healing so well! You must be so happy 🙂 And no worries Kelly! I thought they moved the nipple too until not so long ago I was like thank god! Will deffo keep you posted how it all goes eeek xx


    Yeah I honestly couldn’t be happier! And Mr Mourin couldn’t have done a better job, he makes the scars so neat! Xx


    Are you sore Rebekah? I bet you’ll heal really well. I’m still unsure to be honest. It’s a big irreversible step. I’ll hopefully feel better when I’ve met the surgeon.
    Keep me posted as you heal. It’ll be a while when I could have 2 weeks off work so it’ll be next year anyway. If I could see scars when you’re 6 months in that would help.
    It’s so great to see real photos and hear real stories.


    The only pain that I felt was a slight stinging of the iodine in the incisions when I woke up but after that I haven’t had any pain! I was shocked haha just have to take it easy and be very careful, my job involves lifting so I’m having. 6 weeks off in total. Yeah just send me a message closer to the time and I can show you how the healing is going! Good luck xx


    Hi rebekah, hope you don’t mind me asking. How are you getting. On? Are u still healing well? My op is two weeks away eeeeek xx

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