Haven’t been on here for soo long but thought I would upload a few pics! I will upload some more when I get home from work x
In 5days!! I’ve never been so excited about anything like this in my life haha. A bit scared now too! I’m having 380cc overs xxx
If i could i would do it all over again i loved it!! Oh wow im so excited for u! You can’t even imagine how it will change your life!!
Eeeek! No more tiny bra shopping for ‘booster bras’ yay! Haha. Do they feel fake? Or do they eventually feel like your own if you know what I mean lol xxx
Yours look good hun!! Im having 420xhp from 32b. 13 days and counting xxx
Can I add you hun? Be good to see what they look like 5 months on.. xxx
@longobongo WOW they have always look good but 5 months on they are perfect. You must be so so happy. Amazing result from what you started with babe xxx
Do you mind if I add you? I’m having mine next weekend, be good to see how they look after 5 months x
thank you for accepting!! love your results, was scared the 445 was gonna be too small but yours have turned out so great!! excited now
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