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  • Sarah

    Hi everyone

    I’d really appreciate some advice please. I had my silicone breast implants put in 20yrs ago.
    I recently found a breast lump so went for a mammogram. The mammogram was clear for cancer. I then had ultrasound exam to see what the lump is and they told my that both my implants are ruptured but held in cases in capsule. Some silicone has migrated to my armpits.
    I do not feel unwell or anything. And would not have known unless I would have had the scans.
    My ultrasound and mammogram were done via the NHS. They told me that they are happy to remove my implants but obviously can’t replace them.
    So this is where I need advice please…
    If I get them removed will they be able to be replaced in the future with a good result OR should I wait and remove/replace at the same time?
    I have no idea if it is best to remove now and let them heal before new implants or if removing now and waiting, the skin will pucker and pocket close up and be too much of a mess to put new implants in.
    The reason why I have waited so long is financial. I literally did not predict the turn of events that would prevent me from financially replacing them sooner.
    Any advice will be so appreciated.
    Thank you

    Claire 4

    Hi Sarah,

    I don’t have any advice but I am in a similar situation. I had my implants done with MYA 8 years ago and have had no problems until 2 weeks ago. My left breast ballooned over the course of an afternoon, I went to the GP who referred me to the breast clinic. I have been there today and had an ultrasound and they believe the implant has ruptured but they have booked an MRI to be sure.

    I have been told today that the NHS will discharge me once a rupture is confirmed as they don’t take out the implants anymore?!? They said it is classed as cosmetic as you can continue a normal life with a rupture.

    I’m not too sure what to do now. I know they are guaranteed for 10 years however I think I just want them removing now as I don’t want to face this possibility again in a few more years. I don’t know if MYA will remove them or will I have to go somewhere else and pay?

    My reply doesn’t help just looking for advice also I guess.


    How are you ladies getting on? I had implants put in 12 years ago and one has ballooned very sore so I was referred to the NHS breast clinic and one has ruptured. I’m told they will take them out and I’m debating removal heal then replace or come to Mya for straight swop out?

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