UTI :-( Started by: gemgem08

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  • gemgem08 20

    Hello all,

    I’m not with MYA but I had my pre-op last week and my surgery is scheduled on Tuesday the 20 th June. Anyway I had a call to say I’m positive for UTI from my urine sample. They’re saying now it won’t go ahead unless I’m clear on the day. 🙁

    When you’ve waited so long and struggled to get everything sorted this is a massive blow! I’m gutted.

    Laura 47

    Have you got antibiotics? It should be clear by then hopefully! Try not to panic – I’m sure it will be fine!
    I was thinking only the other day how odd it is that MYA don’t take blood/urine samples pre op? It can’t be that important? X

    gemgem08 20

    Yeah but I’ve got only 3 days worth. Well apparently if you look on the internet no surgeon says they’ll operate with an active infection.
    I’m hoping these antibiotics do the trick but I always get recurrence so I’ve a feeling it won’t go in timex

    Lianne 16

    I had a UTI and had 3 days worth of antibiotics, I felt better by the 2nd day and I was all clear after my 3rd day, you should defo be clear by 20th hun xx


    You will be fine UTI clears quickly with antibiotics. But as you already know drink plenty of water to flush infection away ????????

    gemgem08 20

    Fingers crossed!

    Thanks girls xxx

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