v pillow Started by: Ellie

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  • Ellie 279

    is it worth buying one of these?
    My nurse said just prop yourself up with pillows and you don’t really need a v pillow.. what did you find more comfy or what are you planning to do? she said the only reason we sleep up is so that we are not short of breath..is this the only reason?xx

    Harriet 58

    Hey Hun I recommend the v pillow as it offers a lot more support than just regular pillows. It also stops you from rolling over as it kind of hugs you in. I never asked why we can’t sleep normally. I presumed it was to stop us from rolling on to our sides?? Xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    Defo get a v pillow!! I got mine from tesco and it was half price at the time..not sure if it still is! I still use mine now and I’m 7 weeks PO. Don’t know why she would say it’s to stop you being short of breath, I thought it was due to the settling of the implants! I slept flat from day 5 anyway due to pain xx


    Only £5 delivered from Amazon

    Ellie 279

    best i get one by the sounds of it then thanks girls..
    looking now for a good deal lol will look at tesco and £5 from Amazon sounds good! I thought they were really expensive not even sure why!

    How you feeling today Harriet? last thing i read you went n got a hair wash n nails done lol x

    Sarah 7

    I’m seeing the nurse on Monday, I’ll ask why they make you sleep upright haha!

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