V-pillow / Post Op Bras ?? Started by: Sophie Clare

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  • Sophie Clare 17

    Hi Girls,

    I am due my surgery in Jan, so i need to start packing my bag and post off stuff. Anything you really recommend ?

    Can anyone send me the link or point me in the right direction for the best and recomened V-Pillow and post op bra’s ?

    I will wear my Macom for first week or so and then move onto the supportive sports bras. Shall I buy two Macoms or just one and a few sports bras ??

    Thanks girls,xxx


    Hey huni this sports bra is the best by far for me with all my 3ops have tryed from M&S down to Asda and they wear crap v this one This Shock Absorber run sports bra has been created especially for running, with an enhanced support system to target excessive breast movement and featuring seam-free and concealed elastic to reduce rubbing and chafing. This Shock Absorber running bra has been proven to reduce breast bounce dose wot is say on the tin u get them from Debhams pre op they will fit u up for size xx


    Dunlems have fab vpillows and also get a long sausage pillow to this should be used to put your legs over when sat up sleeping this stops u from slipping down and will take pessure of your back n bum and make I feel a lot more comfy xx

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