Vaser Liposuction with Dr Sleiter – 19.5.19 Started by: Colleena

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  • Colleena 2

    Hey guys just wanted to post about my experience so far.

    Consultation with Dr Sleiter was great. He’s incredibly honest and I feel that’s what you need when you’re doing things like this to your body.

    My original intentions for liposuction was my neck, under arms, Bra rolls and hips.

    He point blank said I didn’t need all that doing. My hips or flanks whatever you wanna call them is all needed doing and my lower stomach. Nothing else.

    Even after the consultation I spoke to my PC and nurse about the other areas I wanted soo g they advised me it wasn’t needed for the results that I wanted. An hourglass figure.

    I respected them for this.

    Fast forward to op day it is a scary experience. Well for me it was I was ready to just go home lol. But the MYA team were amazing and the London hospital. Kept me calm and comfortable.

    The room was clean and private. No complaints there.

    After the op I was so drozy don’t remember much. One thing that did bother me was when they asked me to move from the operating back on to my hospital bed. Good lord the pain I was in.

    1st night after op in the hospital I was restless which is to be expected. The nurses on that night shift where so understanding and helpful it was unreal. I wish I could remember there names.

    The morning after I was in pain when moving which is to be expected again. I was really confused I thought the surgeon Dr Sleiter would come and see me before discharge. No not the case. You kinda just discharge yourself if you feel ok lol

    I didn’t mind that tbh I was out for 9am roughly. After my obs where taken and was given me antibiotics and painkillers.

    Day one after op. You’ll just sleep cause I did lol I’d advise do not lay down. Cause you’re not getting back up lol toooooooo painful. Just sleep in a armchair or sofa.

    Day two say as day one tbh you’ll just sleep I was walking around at this point slowly but it’s something. You’ll notice the swelling EVERYWHERE face legs hands arms. It’s horrible. They said it’ll go down in time. So let’s see. My bladder has been weak since the op I’d advise getting some pads to put on cause babes you won’t make that toilet in time haha

    Today day three I walked for 1 mile to my local aldi I don’t think I was supposed to but the swelling was worrying. So I figured movement may help.

    Any questions just ask. Hopefully this has helped someone.

    Honestly don’t regret anything the experience was fine and MYA has been so nice and helpful so far. So no complaints.

    My PC even messaged day after to see if I was ok. Which I thought that was so nice. Her names Chloe she’s ace ask for her!

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    Colleena 2

    My garment

    Nmj1208 2


    I have a consultation Thursday for vaser. Did you have much time off work?

    Thank you

    Colleena 2

    I did cause I I’m in care. I think it genuinely depends on your job. I went back to work this week and I’m still a little sore.

    If you’re in a office or something you’ll be fine. Just gotta rest your body.

    Gemma 1

    This is amazing Colleena.
    Really helpful to read and know what to expect – there’s no better information or preparation than from someone who has been through it! (And I love your comment about pads and the toilet… babes ?)
    On my way to my PC Consultation now in London….. eeeek!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Gemma 1.
    Lucy 5

    Hi Colleena,

    How are you feeling now a month on, I had my Vaser on Wednesday, all went well. The bruising is really coming out and lots of swelling and fluid. Have you had your massages? Also do you have you after pic if you don’t mind sharing?

    Many thanks
    Lucy xx

    PerkieDs 12


    did you notice that you dont actually see your results sraight away. can take a few weeks for swelling to start to go down?

    Colleena 2


    Yeah I found that not many people talk about the actual procedure and after. Gotta help your girls out haven’t you! Lol


    I didn’t have any leaking. Thank god. Only the swell my legs face… my entire body awoke up. I was so scared. Soon went down after 2 weeks.

    And massages?? No one offered me any. I read about it a few weeks ago and I was a little annoyed as I would’ve like to of known I needed them lol And yeah it’s 3 months now I see Bernard next week. I’m not totally happy with my results I’ll be honest but the areas are still swollen so I can’t comment on it too much. My stomach Is completely fat like all the time only good thing I’ve noticed. Just my flanks not really where I want it to be. But in time maybe. We will see.

    I’m also still a little sore. Not sure if that’s normal or not. I guess I find out next week 🙂


    And yeah I’ll post my pictures. I don’t really see a drastic change with my results. Only a flatter tummy. My flanks still haven’t come in as much as I wanted. But I didn’t have that’s much fat to start with so that could be it.

    I wanted this done for a hourglass figure but don’t really feel like I’ve achieved that as of yet. I still look like a kitkat bar haha

    Only time will tell xx

    I have added some pictures.
    The pictures with the Jeans on are before my op.
    The pictures with the white t shirt is 2/3 weeks after my op.

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    Colleena 2

    These are 7/8 weeks after my op. As you can see my stomach is lovely and flat. Just my hips or “flanks” I have a issue with.

    My lower stomach is also still sore. Not bad but if I knock it just a little too hard I feel it :’(

    Sleeping, work life everything is back to normal.
    I don’t regret it at all. Just wish my flanks would hurry or or something lol

    Oh scaring. It’s mad how small the scars actually are. Amazing. Been using bio oil on it they’ve faded a little so don’t worry about scarring girls x

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    Claire 14

    How much did u pay do u mind asking as really want it done as had uplift and implants

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