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  • Anonymous

    I’m POD7 now, throughout the past week I’ve been in horrible pain and now that the strapping has been removed, it is clear why.. My strapping was clearly too tight and the removal process was not done with care. The picture is just small part of one boob, but the same appears across my whole chest / armpit / nipples.

    I’m very upset with my experience so far and right now, all of this pain does not seem worth it.

    Aimee 3

    I was the same but also as the nurse ripped mine off It took a lot of skin off with it so had loads of sores. Was feeling okay until I was in pain with the sores, I just put loads of sudocrem on the sores and didn’t hurt after a day or two and all went by week 2 🙂 you will feel happier then. Take care Hun and happy healing xxx

    Jo 35

    Oh man, sorry to hear you’ve had a bad time of it so far! It will get better though and before you know it, all the pain will have gone and you’ll be left with amazing boobs!
    I’m just over 2 weeks post op and today I got the first feeling of no pain, lots of mobility and boobs!!! It was amazing! It’s hard to think about the boobs when the pain or uncomfortableness of it all is so prominent.
    Hopefully it will get easier now the strapping is off and you will start to love your new additions.

    Jessica 15

    Hi Hun I had the exact same!! They kept sticking to my bra and peeling the skin off again I was so upset I thought I’d be left with a scar I didn’t know what to do, I went an bought some antiseptic pads and some germaline and I put the germaline on them and then covered all the area with a pad, within 3 days it had all cleared up 🙂 xxxx


    I don’t y they have to strap you girls in that crap when when there have chest band that do the same job xx


    Hi girls, I just have 5 days post my BA. On Wednesday is my first visit with the nurse, to take the strap out but I’m so scare to get more problems with it, I have already blister all over my breast because this thing. 🙁 Do you know if I can use any cream or medication for it?
    I will post some pictures.


    The strapping is killing me …..

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    Rachele94 11

    Hi Hun, I feel your pain, I’m 4 days post op and on day 3 I felt something running down my back… As I looked I was shocked to see I had a blister underneath my strapping which had burst… This is a pic which looks even worse now. I rang the nurse and she just said cover it? I’ve called my clinic today and they haven’t got back to me? When I rang the call centre they said its cause they are extremely busy? Which I appreciate but that’s not helpful!

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    Aj 15

    Ouch ! I won’t cope with that …… Keep ringing your PC’s or go to your local doctor ans ask them to dress it for you . Hope you all get sorted soon xx

    La1993 28

    Wow! Can’t believe they actually use that. My surgeon doesn’t use strapping or bands?! I don’t know why so I’ve just got to wear tight sports bras. But looks so sore 🙁 hope it gets better soon xxx


    I had my strapping removed on the 12th November. I was aware it would be painful but didn’t realise the nurse literally rips it off like a wax strip. I felt stinging on one side and she had ripped an area of skin off. She then provided me with pieces of gauze to place over it and told me to keep them on and change them ect. But my problem was that every time I took the dressing off it was re peeling my skin off!! So I was going around in circles and my wound was not healing whatsoever!! Any ways I got speaking to a lovely girl on Instagram last night and she advised me what to do which was basically leave the area to air dry and DO NOT apply any dressing or creams such as savlon, antiseptic based creams as they will keep the wound moist which you don’t want. Any ways last night I sat for hours letting it air dry and I was then able to gently place my sports bra over the wound without it stinging FINALLY! And now it’s scabbing over. I had a fantastic recovery and didn’t suffer any pain until I had my strapping off, I was an emotional mess with it an believe that my nurse did not provide me with accurate in depth aftercare. I will attach a picture of what my wound looked like yesterday ( 4 days after having my strapping off) worst experience ever!!!! I did make a complaint to my PC via text and then the next day the nurse rang me but basically had the attitude that it’s normal and to keep it clean. She still didn’t provide me with enough info. It took a random girl to help me out!

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