Very painful Started by: Karen

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  • Karen 41

    I am now 4 days post op, 300cc under high profile round & I absolutely love my boobs but my left boob is really giving me some jip, it feels so heavy & very tight & where the pipe was is really stinging at times, my partner said that side bled more whilst I had the pipes in & when they took them out, my right boob feels fine but my left is really bothering me tbh xx

    Karen 41

    Also I have the most breathing issues on my left side aswell,

    Jen 107

    Hi Karen, I had the same in my right due to a real struggle getting the drain out of that side and it’s always given me more trouble than my left. 4 days is still very early and there’s soooooo much gone on in there with your muscles, tissue, nerves etc it’s going to take time to settle down. I’m still not very far post op but I feel so much better than I did at 4 days, it all just takes time and lots of rest – get your feet up girl xxx

    Karen 41

    Thank u so much for ur response Jen, I do feel down about it becos I’d really want to avoid going under again if I can as I hated the way I felt when I came round & feeling sick is a massive no no for me & would want to avoid it at all costs xx if further surgery ends up being needed it’s going to have to be done under a local xxx


    Hi Karen how you feel is totally normal. If you’re wearing your breast band it’s most likely that causing breathlessness and that will stay with you a while in day 12 and still very much have it. My right drain was well far in there and it really hurt when the nurse removed it and that caused my far more pain than my left those early days. It’s still the achier of the two. Nothing to worry out. Basically it just is bloody painful lol

    Karen 41

    Hello Grainne thank u for ur response aswell, I’ve taken my band off & it has improved my breathing but I’m starting to feel a bit guilty now as I’ve had it off now for a couple of hours so might just pop it back on xxx hope things start to settle down very soon xxx

    Karen 41

    How well does using cold compress help with swelling & pain xxx


    Get all over the ice packs. I wouldn’t use anything like a wet flannel just because you don’t want to risk getting water into those scars. But ice packs are just the best. Day 5 was quite a turning point for me pain wise so I hope it is for u too. Gotta say thoygh I’m 12 days and the breast band still makes me breathless lol x

    Karen 41

    I’m definitely going to try ice packs xx ice taken my band off & I’ve just taken my socks off aswell & hesitant to put them back on xx wot would u suggest hun


    Try to just keep icing them. Keep the band on as much as possible. I took the bloody socks off day 4 too and just made sure I got up and walked about as much as possible. X

    Laura 13

    hope you feel better soon! I was wondering if you all could shed some more light on the draining part? Will the drains leave you a scar as well as the incision?


    Pretty sure the drains just leave a tiny hole which shouldn’t scar. It’s only a tiny little drain and honestly your still on so many pain killers when they take them out you hardly feel it. I had one that was deeeper than the other by so much and I must admit it made me feel a bit sick it coming out because I could feel it. But not painful by any means. Not all surgeons use drains just FYI. I have pictures from week 1 of my incisions and I think I can see the tiny hole left from the drain but it’s really nothing. Happy to share the photo. Incisions healed up pretty nicely but I know people can be a bit squeamish lol. X

    Karen 41

    I’ve got my ice pack babe & looking forward to using it cos I know it’s going to help woo hoo, my partner came round to change my bedroom round for me & my daughter grassed on me about my socks & he put them back on me lol

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun plenty of ice packs they are life savers help soo much with the pain and swelling usE them regular xxx


    Haha the socks crack me up. My boyfriend was like I’m pretty sure you need to put these back on babe. I was like well I’m pretty sure I’m not lol. I was making sure I kept quite active though. Those first 5 days were probably the worst for me. I really hope you start to feel the turn around soon. I’m 2wpo tomorrow and those horrible first days already feel like a distant memory. X

    Karen 41

    I’ve iced up & it really does help thank God xx I was able to sleep on my back last night without any breathing issues & my boobs do feel slightly softer but only the tiniest amount lol still had morning boob tho ????

    Stacey 498

    Aww morning boob does last a good few weeks Hun the recovery of having a ba isn’t as quick as people think when they say it can take up to a year for everything to settle and be back to normal they really ain’t joking xxxx


    I can’t believe this morning boob it’s mad that is going to last weeks Stacey! It’s so stressful lol at least I feel prepared for that though thanks to all you girls! So so glad your feeling a bit better today Karen. The mega pain will start to go away and actually you get used to the breathing situation. X


    Hi just wanted to know do you have drains when you are having unders? I have overs and have had revision surgery and never had drains. I have seen one surgeon who has suggested placing the implants under the muscle. I am also having a consultation with Mr Traynor to get his opinion does anyone know if he uses drains?
    Any advice appreciated

    Vicki -1

    Are we meant to keep socks on? I had my surgery fri morn and took socks off fri night didn’t know had to keep them on??

    Laura 143

    Meant to be for 5 days to reduce the risk of blood clots, i took mine off on either day 3 or 4 i cant remember. But i was really mobile an had a pretty easy recovery. If your moving around alot then you would be fine but if your laid up for days you would definitely need the socks on x

    Vicki -1

    Thanks Laura well I have been moving around quite a bit so hopefully be ok thanks x

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