Waiting for drop an fluff is so depressing!! Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    Im not good at being patient an its starting to drive me nuts now 11dpo an still 2 totally different shaped boobs! Im starting to think they are going to stay odd ???? i know it takes time but id expect a little change an still nothing xx

    Laura 143

    Them question marks were actually a sad emoji lol

    Mitch 39

    Awww bless you hunni it will happen soon enough and then you will forget about all the wishing and waiting lol I’m normally the same can’t stand to wait for anything but I’m still only 7 days and just happy to have boobies lol xx

    Stacey 498

    It will happen Hun mine dropping and fluffing didn’t really start till like 6-8 weeks post op I’m 3mpo and there still changing slightly each day I think it depends on each personas to went it stsrts to happy it happens faster for some people but it’s defo a patient is key kinda thing when it comes to our boobs soo frustrating tho lol xxxx

    Georgie R 17

    I’m 12 days post op and I’m exactly the same 2 completely different boobs, one is massive and high up the other is lower down, I’m praying that they even out lol. Im hoping it’s just swelling in the bigger one because it’s the only one that’s in pain

    Laura 143

    Ahh its just so frustrating i hope it happens sooner rather than later but it will happen in its own time i suppose. I eouldnt mind them being high up aslong as they looked the same i just hate seeing 2 different shaped boobs. Least im not alone haha xx

    Hannah 214

    I’m the same Hun, mine are just getting smaller and smaller and I hate it! Plus I have one bigger than the other and it’s just frustrating waiting. I’m so impatient xx

    Mae 79

    One of mine is so hard and can feel it in my arm pit! Yet the other is ok! Got a while for me yet for the drop and fluff xx

    Laura 143

    Sorry only just seen this. @hannahlaura, yours looked a really good size, do you think that maybe you have just got used to them an thats why they seem smaller? Xx

    yeah i was like that was more on one side. It should ease soon. Xx

    Hannah 214

    @lauraj1987 I’m not sure tbh, I feel they’ve got smaller in the last few days. So I’m hoping drop and fluff will start soon. Today I realised my left is actually sitting lower than my right, so maybe its starting to happen 🙂 xx

    Laura 143

    Sounds like you are ready to drop an fluff then hun! Exciting 😀 Mine felt smaller the last couple of days an then this morning they had come together abit more an feel fuller than they have last couple of days so hopefully this is the start. Still different shapes but look much better than thry did yesterday its strange how they can change in a day xx

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