Finally got my admission time for Tuesday!! So excited???????? finally feels real now! My admission time is 11am, just wondered how long everyone waited before they actually went down? And was someone allowed to sit with you while you wait?
My admission was 7am i was second and i went down around 11. Just varies and de pends who is is front of you. I promise you it the wait goes fast. Good luck x
@abbie My admission time was 9:30am and I went down about quarter past 11. Once you get in your room they’ll actually tell you roughly what time you’ll be going down for your surgery but they say this may change depending on what happens with other surgeries xxx
My admission time was 12 and I was in theatre by 4. The owners wife was in that day so I think they were pandering to her a bit before they got to me!! My mum was with me the whole time. Sometimes they ask your chaperones to wait downstairs while you’re in theatre but we had our own room so that wasn’t necessary xx