WAITINGGGG…… Started by: Leah

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  • Leah 32

    Still waiting for the February dates come out so I can book my op, feel so impatient haha after waiting forever to get it done waiting that bit longer seems so hard! Haha does anyone have a rough idea of when the next months dates come out? My pc just says soon haha xx

    Katie 111

    @Leah I was exactly the same as you! Waiting impatiently for the dates to come out. I didn’t go with MYA but where I went the dates usually come out two months in advance. I wanted my op in September and the dates didn’t come out until the beginning of July for this xx

    Leah 32

    @katiep369 I hope it’s not too long a wait, I think the January dates have been out a while now I was hoping they’d come out at the start of this month but so far I haven’t heard anything, just want it booked Haha xx

    Katie 111

    @leah Well if the January dates are out now then you must not have long to wait then! Maybe they’ll come out at the end of this month?? I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! xx

    Leah 32

    @katiep369 I hope so but waiting is killing me haha thanks Hun xx

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