Waking up from surgery Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 1

    Hey girls! My surgery was suppose to in 6 weeks but my surgeon had a cancellation and is now happening in 2 weeks! I’m absolutely petrified for the surgery. I have really bad anxiety and can’t stop worrying about how I’m going to feel waking up from surgery. Just wanted to hear some other people’s surgery stories!! ❤️❤️

    Elle 73

    Hey lovely, my surgery was on April 20th with MYA in Preston. I had serious serious anxiety leading up but on the day it literally just disappeared because i wanted this for so long.

    Surgery day was a breeze from admission to leaving. Nurses were so kind and caring, surgeon and anaesthetist were also really lovely. You walk yourself to the room, get lots of sticky monitors put on you, and then lie down for the cannula to be put in. They’re talking to you the whole time so you forget about it, usually music playing too (mine was Frankie goes to Hollywood – Relax, which had me in fits of giggles because obviously you aren’t that relaxed, but it really helped!). They give you this thing that makes you feel a bit drunk, your arm goes a bit cold, and thats the last thing i remember til i woke up! You’re tight when you wake up but its manageable and they keep checking on you, and you can ask for more pain relief if you need it and they’re happy to give it.

    I think i waffled a but there, but I really hope this has helped and hasn’t made you any more worried, promise its so easy, id do it all over again tomorrow no worries xxx

    Lauren 1

    Hey Elle, that’s so reassuring. Thank you so much!!
    Did you wake up in your recovery room and did you feel panicky waking up or were you ok?
    Hope you’re healing nicely, sounds like a smooth procedure! Definitely helped thank you so much! Xxx

    Elle 73

    Aw you’re so welcome! Its a scary feeling if you haven’t done it before.
    I woke up in the recovery just off theatre, wasn’t panicky at all there were 2 nurses there stood by my bed talking about what they were having for tea lol, they realised i was awake asked me how i was feeling ect and wheeled me back to my room, checked my bp and stuff then left me too it because i was fairly sleepy. Not sure how long they left me for before they came back in but they sat me up properly because i was a bit more awake by this point, got me my lunch and checked me over again.
    Honestly its all really easy, they make you feel so comfortable and happy. I got a bit teary because obviously i had boobs and they were laughing with me about how everyone does it and not to panic.
    Im healing brilliantly, my incision scars are immaculate, and its really manageable as long as you stay on top of your pain meds first few days! I hope you’re feeling a little better about it all now xxx

    Lauren 1

    Ahh thank you so much!! Glad you had such a good experience! I’m hoping mine is like yours then I’ll have nothing to worry about! Thank you again, definitely let my mind rest a little!! 🥰🥰

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