Wash and Blowdry Post-Op Started by: Kate

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  • Kate 18

    Having my BA on 22nd December (so close to Christmas!!) I know that I won’t be able to wash my own hair for a while so have booked in for a wash and blowdry at the hairdressers.
    I’ve just been thinking though, with not being able to lie down post-surgery – will I be ok to lean back for a short time while I’m getting my hair washed!?
    Really don’t want to rely on dry shampoo all over Christmas! Thanks Ladies! xx

    Lauren 1

    I’m 5 day post op and I got my mum to wash my hair over the bath today! I just held my boobs!! You should be fine. X

    Trace 158

    I read that a lady did that on here, she just went for a wash and her mum blow dried her hair at home!!

    She just made sure they had those reclining seats and moveable bowls!

    One useful tip on the boobie bible, which I will defo do, is if your hair is long enough get a plat put in, like a french one, and you can leave that in for days and not worry about washing your hair lol, just dry shampoo and rub it in a bit!!

    gemma -1

    I’m booked in for 21st dec and I’ve booked in for hair wash and style on xmas eve 🙂 shud be fine xx

    Kate 18

    Thanks girls! I have booked one for the 24th and am going to book another for the 27th 🙂 just a bit worried about lying back to have it washed! Xx


    Hi hun i had mine washed in a hairdressers leaning back and i was absolutely fine xx

    Jodie 1

    I washed mine over the shower myself 2 days post op & was fine hun xx

    Kate 18

    Aw that’s great thanks girls! I think as long as I hold my boobs when I lean back I should be fine 🙂 xx

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