Weight gain. :( Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 15

    Anybody else gain a significant amount of weight after surgery?
    I’ve gained almost half a stone, I’d understand a lb or 2 from not being able to train and being less mobile but half stone?!
    I haven’t even got an appetite so it’s not as if I’m eating more.
    I lost 2 and a half stone hence the need for surgery now I feel like I’m just gunna do a full circle again 🙁 xxx


    I’ve gained 2lb and I’m 6 days post op, I’m assmunibg maybe a lb is implant weight? I’ve not really ate a lot of crap tho and have tried to move about as much as I can. Try not to worry just get ur recovery out of the way then concentrate on getting back into shape xz

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    Hey. It’s totally normal and most of the time it’s water weight. 350cc and implants weigh about 1.5lbs. Xx

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