Weight gain! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi guys what’s the average weight gain? I’m trying to loose 12 pounds by May and I average about 1 week when I’m good! Just wondering how much 250cc would add counting the bloating etc. Any help would be grateful! Xxx


    Hey Lorna, tbh everyone is different I for one have lost weight and I’m quite slim already was just over 8.6 stone or so. The bloating goes down after a week or earlier if u stop cocodemol earlier. I ate soup, a high protein diet and snacked on fruits and nuts. I had my op 12 days before Christmas and didn’t feel ready to eat a big dinner until about 5-7 days after the op.

    If u drink lots of water and stick to a healthy diet without crappy carbs, biscuits, cakes and chocolate I don’t see why u would put on or retain the bloating. U won’t be able to exercise or move for a few weeks so best to be mindful about what u eat if ur hoping not to gain anything apart from your boobs! Fx


    Hi Hun I generally am pretty good with my food – I was just wondering what the actual implants would contribute?? Are we just talking a couple of pounds maybe that’s what I was wondering….
    Thanks Hun xxx

    Emma 52

    Hi Lorna, I’ve looked this up and mine (425 & 400) together weigh approx. 2lbs. After surgery I was 6lb heavier with bloating etc. But this went down to 2lb after about 4 days 🙂

    Lisa 24

    They weight roughly the same in grams as the cc, so 250cc weigh around 250g. Your two 250cc implants will then weigh around 500g or 1lbs


    Thanks so much! Phew I got a bit panicky I’m forever on the scales! Silly I know xxx

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