Weight gain and itching Started by: Daisy

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  • Daisy

    Did anyone else put on a load of weight straight after their ba? I’m 3 days post op and have put on 7lbs 🙁 I’m bored out of my mind being home all day today so spent the day waddling around the house like the Pillsbru Doughgirl in a hoody and leggings hunting for snacks!

    Also, I’m itching like mad (possibly due to a collection of cookie crumbs in my new cleavage)- did everyone else wait until their post op appointment to get their strapping off or did anyone do it themselves?


    Chloe 1

    My post op is tomorrow and it has taken every ounce of strength I have not to rip it off and burn it! The itch is awful I have peeled most of mine off just trying to get to the itchy bits! X

    Charlie 4

    No joke… i have made a scratching stick to go down my cleavage.. sorry if that made you laugh.. i know it hurts! X

    Laura -1

    Yea I put weight on around 5lb…… I find I store my fat on my love handles and I get a podge Grrr. I don’t work I’m a stay at home Mom and I pick at things in the cupboards tut tut, if I’m honest I’m feeling pretty shit 2bh 🙁 about my weight, flared ribs and my asymmetrical boobs (mainly thinking will they correct themselves)
    I get crumbs down my cleavage to, I like it in a weird way cause now I have something to actually catch crumbs with, but it can be a pain! Also the sweat I can get in that region if I go on a walk or even from hoovering is ridiculous lol I no a couple of ladies who removed there strapping at 4 days I wanted to an was getting really agitated by it but was told by girls on here and my partner to ride it out. Day 7 came (7 day check with nurse) CANCELLED!! hour before I was to leave. There was no way I could keep it on till when it was rearranged for (another 3 days later) so I and my bf removed it, it was painful but a right relief once it was off! lol xx


    Haha, so glad it’s not just me with the crumbs! Love the scratching stick idea. It’s great how resourceful we can be when needed- I’ve discovered that by placing a cushion on the work top in just the right place I can knock tins down from the top shelf with the mop without destroying the wood (or my toes). I spent ages on Saturday starring longingly at a jar of peanut butter until calling a friend to help me but by then I’d eaten all the bagels so not really that much help!

    It’s going to be so embarrassing when the nurse finally takes it off and sees the mess in there (if I manage to wait for my appointment). Did it look terrible inside when it came off?


    Laura -1

    Crumbs wise it wasn’t too bad. But I did look like I had been mauled by a cat lol xx

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