Weight loss Started by: BeckyH567

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  • BeckyH567 5

    Hi everyone!
    Over the last couple of years I’ve put on 2 stone and my boobs have not changed at all, I’m starting to lose weight and the moment and wanted to get rid of that 2 stone this year. How much will it affect how my boobs look if I lose it? Considering I am a b cup at the moment and I’m having 525cc I didn’t think they’d change that much but my nurse told me to not lose weight after the surgery or it could drastically change then.
    Has anyone else lost a couple stone after surgery or have any advice for me?
    Thanks! 🙂

    sabrina 92

    I havent but have two friends who both have and one has 620s and the other 575s both look no different boobs wise .. if anything boobs look bigger cos bodys are thinner x

    Kirsty 44

    I wouldn’t worry Hun !! I’ve lost nearly 5 stone so far I’m a size 12 now hoping to loose another stone . I’m having 550 high profiles Monday which are going to fill my already pretty empty 34b . I think once the boobs are done and full it won’t make no difference loosing weight I wouldn’t of thought as it will come off the rest of your body anyway too and it will make your boobs look even bigger as you will be even slimmer! I quite like the thought of that lol! I wouldn’t worry at all Hun once there done . Xxx

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