Weird feeling.. Started by: Holly

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  • Holly

    So I’m five day po today! Right boob feels amazing and looks to be settling in well! My left still feels and looks slightly swollen. Is completely numb and whenever I move my arm forward I get a weird feeling like there is something there! Maybe fluid or air? It feels like numb skin trying to get feeling back! Almost vibrating and ticklish but like fluid is moving! Has anyone else had this? I’m not in pain and the skin looks fine so I’m sure it is nothing but thought I would ask you ladies! Back at the nurse thurs so can get checked out then but any thoughts now would be amazing!!anyone got any tips on how to help it go? I’m taking nurofen and arnica! Maybe hot /cold compress?!xx


    Waiting to hear back from the nurse..figured better safe than sorry although most people think its normal!! Will keep you posted!:-) xx


    It is normal, it’s trapped air and fluid, your body will absorb it, and you may end up with noisey boobs as it does, like farting noises. Hope everything is settling well other then the fluid xx


    All perfect other than that!! And they look great!! Thanks for putting my mind at rest Hun xxxx

    miss-vi 1

    just had my strapping off and my right boob makes noises on the top part! will get baby oil to clean it from tape and then put pics on… gosh it is so weird to have them! strapping kind of made it easier! now they are heavy and they are THERE!! :))) still embracing the whole change 😀
    so yeah, i think it is normal what you hear/feel.. xx


    I spoke to my pc and she said nothing to worry about! God bet it feels crazy!! Can’t wait to see them stepping free!! I remember the first time I sat up after my op and they felt so heavy so know how you feel! They are still a bit like that in the morning!! Ha!! Keep embracing!!!:-) xxxx

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