Well the twins have arrived xxx Started by: kellyw

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  • emijane

    oh no there is no way some one else will beable to do my blowdrying. my surgeon said ild be ok aslong as im not weak, he said u may have a bit of pain but it wont damage so its if u can put up with it or not!
    I know x-bex-x i cant wait either, i got my final consultation tomoz woo hoo!!!! xxxx


    Hi Ladies,

    well i am now 9 days since my op and i am more mobile and feeling more comfortable than i did! i do however still feel as though i have to hold them when i lean over because i feel as though they are going to drop off lol
    i got all my feeling back straight away and the nipples looked rather strange(pointy, not cold) but then again i had been stretched and they would look kind of weird! i can assure you the nipples are back to normal so the hubby is happy!!!

    i dont have much feeling on the underneath of the breast but that seems to be getting better day by day.

    i am going buying a couple of bras at the weekend as i cannot wait to get out of this ridiculous sports bra, god how awful and you are also limited to what you can wear due to the bra being huge and completley filling the breast area(not a good look i can assure you).

    I m so looking forward to wearing a normal bra and excited in being measured but also slighlty nervous he he although i have been looking and why is it bigger bras have padding??? god i dont need to look bigger so why the padding??

    Anyway i have gone on a little about me and the twins and would like to say i would certainly do it all again and this has certainly been the best decision i have made so far this year well apart from getting married that is!

    for all you ladies/girls who are unsure of going for it, defo do it, yes you have pain for about a week maybe 2 but it is the best thing i have done for myself so far and am very pleased with my results.

    good luck to you all who are due in tomoz or very soon and you will be fine just think

    xxxxkelly n twins xxxx:rainbow:


    i have had unders as i did not have much breast tissue..x


    Hi, adele did you get over or under?


    hi glad your feeling good, im 2 weeks post op n feeling fine, there still heavy n ache, i have to hold them when i do things, i have not gone back to work yet, go back tuesday, well im a hairdresser n its quite strenuous at times.. i have not driven yet.. so not really looking forward to tue, lol.. we will get there.. cant wait to get some bras myself..x


    well ladies i am on day 6 and the pain is easing thank god!!!

    I went to see the nurse yesterday as i was concerned with how much pain i was in, i was advised this is perfectly normal and the reason i was suffering the amount of pain in one breast was because i am bruised and that will die down in the next few days, aparently they are rougher with one boob than the other as they have to match them up and one gets vigoursly shunted about(arghh).

    My stitches are looking nice and healing well and cannot wit to get a lovely bra on, i hve ll feelings in both of by boobs and also the nipples thank god which some people dont get this back for some months although they do look kind of weird, well my husband says there not his nipples and wants the old ones back lol the nurse said they will eventually go back to normal but give it time.

    I am due to go back to work tomoz but not feeling confident about driving as it takes me abou 50 mins to get to work after the school run!!!

    I have sat on my backside for nearly a week feel like a beach whale and my house isnt as tidy as i like it( husband not good at chores) lol. could of done with iring a cleaner!! friends and family have offered but im too proud to ask for help, i should have took them up as the hubby thinks hes done a good job ha ha bless him he just keeps telling me to SIT kinda sick of it actually and wouldnt like to be an invalid for a longer period and dont think he would cause hes got sick of me giving him orders from the couch clean the bathroom, put the washing on, sweep and mop and whats for tea??? lol will be back to normal tomorrow go to work collect kids come home cook tea and clean up ahhh might pull one more sicky mmmmmmm………………
    The twins are looking better every day and cannot stop feeling them soo cannot wait to get a lovely bra on without padding yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck ladies for any ops tomoz you will be fine just think the pain is only for a little time and the end result BOOBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheer::clap::cheer::clap::cheer::clap::cheer::clap:



    oh im so excited too, i love mine, so do my friends they want one now, lol.. cant wait to go bra shopping..x


    Hey there!! you make me laugh, you sound just like me 2 weeks ago! i had mine done with Transform though, the owner of ex owner of transform now owns may so thats why i come on here.

    Anyhow, isnt it soooo excting!! ive got two lovely 34dd’s!! they are fab! i had breast uplift and implant from a saggy 34b, they stand up nice and high and so big and round!! yay!! nice to here somebosy who is excited as i am!.


    bless ya, hope all’s ok hun, keep us informed wont you…good about the sports bra eh ;~) x x


    Sara, no they cant come out but said if i wnted to call i could as many times as i wanted!

    i only have tape over the stitches but this is were the pain is so im booked in tomoz for the nurse to have a look and see if i have an infection, i dont think i do as there is no redness anywhere? so puzzled plus it only hurts when i move so really do think it may e the implant lay on a nerve arrgghhh.

    just looking at the pink sports bra they it looks great gonna order one hehe.

    Adele god i hate being an invalid and so does my hubby lol. xxx


    hi kelly its not nice is it not been able to move, it will pass im 12 days post op, i still feel like i need to take things easy, i go back to work on tue, im worried as im a hairdresser.. the first few days are the worst, i had bandages on for a week, they were terrible, now its off, great but i itch under the bra, nurse thinks it was the bandages that i might of had an allergy to n with swetting its made it worse, im red raw… but its worth it i love them.. it will get easier..x


    yeah so do i!! haha i ordered it online…sounds painful…cant you get the nurse or anyone out to you? or isnt there much they can do at mo?xx


    ah thanks chick,

    i think the pain might be a nerve as at first i was getting pain around the stitches and the nurse said it was due to mending but this pain is unreal and have never felt anything like it although it isnt constant pain it is only when i move, so im more than likely gonna gain alot of weight as i am sat on my backside all day and night lol

    Pink i must have one as i love pink lol


    arr bless ya hun, hope it all starts to ease for you soon…i got my admission time through for next wed…7.30am, hope i’m in early!! i’m gonna be a nervous wreck i think!!

    Ive ordered a nice pink sports bra from la senza, its actually quite nice and a lovely neon pink colour! haha just a bit more exciting than the normal plain ones!

    Ordered a 34dd but not sure whether to get a 36e aswell just incase, think i prob will…

    Keep us informed with how your doin hun, hope your back to norm and on road to recovery soon x x x


    well i certainly jinxed myself ladies!!!

    i couldnt get out of bed myself and still can’t, my husband has to help me as everytime i move as i get an awful pain in my left boob the right side i perfect but this pain is intense and i feel like crying, i have spoken with mya and have booked an earlier app with the nurse, they did say this is normal(normal it bloody kills) but hey the twin are still beautiful lol hopefully the pain i am feeling will go away very soon.My husband asked me if i expected this much pain and i certainly didnt expect one side to be more painful than the other but then again i am not parralell lol

    I am due back to work monday but dont think i will be able to as any movement hurts and i cannot even think about driving while i am like this.

    My husband is so sick of the houework like he does it correct anyway, know what i mean ladies??? he keeps saying you were perfect before and look what i have done!! like i need that wheni feel crap? but hey i get cuddles and tea brought to me he worries but as a male has too much of an opinion lol

    ice packs on boobs is my pain relief oh as well as the pain killers but ladies you all defo need to get some tabs for constipation good god you dont need added pain! i looked like i was 6 month preggers through taking all these meds, lactulose, senacot or calfig is a must ladies.

    sports bras where the hell can i get a good looking bra from because at the moment i look like madonna wearing the cone bra lol and believe me it does not look nice i feel as though i am wearing my grans bra one from the old days as i have pointy tits uhhhh.

    Anyway ladies i am going now but will fill you in on my progress and ladies who are due to have it dont think just because i am suffering you will suffer as well! surely you are gonna be in pain but think of the end result. xxx

    speak to you all v soon xxx


    Hi girls,

    The twins have been born yeah!!!!

    I booked in at 7.30am manchester and was shown to room 104 by Olu where i got settled but broke the telly lol, the porter had to be called to fix it which didnt take that long thank god, Olu came in and did my temp, blood pressure and monitered how much air i had in my blood!i had to wait till 12oclock before dr traynor came in and drew on my little boobies and said it wouldnt be long now, by this time im starving and desperatly needed a drink, the anethetist came in and asked some questions and said it wouldnt be long, yeah right i was called down for 2oclock, by this time i had been nodding off so was ready for a good kip lol.

    i walked down to theatre in the sexy gown and paper knickers were they put the needle in my hand,this didn’t hurt at all, they then inserted the antibiotics then the gin and tonic lol and the anasthetic which was weird as i felt as though i was weeing on the table(which i didnt) i was then being woken up in the theatre and straight away i lifted my gown and checked out the twins oh how beautiful they looked pert and large i then shouted yeah i have boobs lol, i was taken back to my room at 3.20pm where i was given a lovely cold drink of water which i was told to slow down as i was gulping it(how rude i hadnt had a drink since 7pm the nite before) i then asked if i could have some food as my stomach was groaning very loud lol and they said in 30 min, i thought god what does it take to get some grub lol so i waited 10 mins then rung for the nurse and said look im starving and cannot wait. I had chicken soup followed by a tuna mayo brown bloomer which was like heaven!!!

    my husband nick then turned up with a wispa and a fizzy drink(bliss) i lowered my gown and he was like fuck me there huge lol, i called the nurse for some painkillers as they started to hurt a little but really there is hardly any pain at all, i asked the nurse what time i could be discharged as it seemed pointless sitting in my room when i could be chillin in my own house and she said she would get all my papers sorted out, i was given a final check over and released at 6.30pm,the journey home was okay but had to go back as i left my diamond ring in the safe!!!

    I am back at home now and just chillin, ive had some more painkillers as i was told to take them even if i wasnt in pain, im looking forward to my bed now and hopefully i will have a good nights sleep, i have also had some senocot as i dont want to look pregnant with the antibiotics.

    Oh forgot to say i didnt get nervous one bit just excited.

    i am over the moon with my new boobs and fit in the 36dd sports bra yeahhhhh.

    for all you girlies who have your ba very soon you will be fine dont be nervous just enjoy the experience xxxx

    any questions feel free to ask away.xxx


    hi emijane i feel ok not back to work till next tue so a little more recovery time, nurse told me to be careful n get someone else to do my blowdrying for me, might not be that easy. well will wait n see..
    hi kelly how are you feeling, how is recovery coming on, im 10 days post op now, feel good, but have to take things easy, its getting used to having something so heavy on your chest,lol, but i love em..x


    its so close now isnt it emijane! i cant waitttt :bigsmile: xxx


    hey congratulation kellyw your story is lovely to read, you sound like your over the moon! Hope i get my chance to feel like that soon.



    congratulations kellyw!
    adele how are u feeling now? do u think ur be ok for when u go back to work?? 30ff lol bet that was a shock!!!!!! xxx
    2 weeks 3days for me to x-bex-x …..wooo i cant wait!!!!! xxx


    congratulations Kelly :)

    yeahhhhh you did it ! Make sure you get loads of rest, and drink plenty of water to help flush the ga out of your system.

    36DD :) same as me…. enjoy your twins xx


    hi i had mine done 9 days ago, it gets so much easier i promise, i had bandages on which were removed yest. oh they look so good, healed well, i still cant feel one of my nipples, hope it comes back. i was a 34b n in a 34dd sports bra, but go to bravissimo to be properly measured, i was shocked im a 30ff.. they only look a dd.. but i was pleased.. happy healing..x


    HIya kelly, just seen your recent message…its the sleeping side of things i’m dreadin aswell as i’ve also always slept on my side!! :(

    If you take any photos at all could i have a nose before i go in? Really excited now, but still got that horrible nervy feeling!!!

    1 week 1 day ;) x x



    ohh well done Kelly…. sooo lovely to hear your story & your soo up beat &happy about it !!! wooooo looking forward to mine now,

    just a quick question what is “senocot” ??

    thanks so much happy healing xx


    congratulation kelly!!! :bigsmile:

    2 weeks & 3 days for me now! :crazy: xxx


    Day 1

    well i had a uncomfortable sleep last night, i kept trying to sleep on my side as i always did but found i could not move:sad: changing the pillows around to get comfy was a nightmare as you are resticted in movement and my husbnd kept saying are you ok? bless him felt like saying do i look ok lol but bit my tongue!! i woke up to get some painkillers as it is more of an ache than a pain. they have swelled somewhat more today but still look fantastic !!!

    cannot wait to get them in a lovely bra as the sport bra is so grannyfied it really doe’s not do the twins any justice if you know what i mean!

    I can feel one of my nipples but not the other but im sure that will come back in a while well it better had lol

    i have no bruising as yet but feel as though i may get some oh and when i have to sit up god you have to use your stomach muscles, i may get a six pack very soon through getting up ha ha.

    i cannot wait to go out and buy some bras and clothes for the twins, internet shopping at the moment though till i feel well enough to go out.

    no sex or driving its not fair!!! but will have to wait and not push myself to much.

    good luck to you girlies who are in very soon xxx:wink:


    thanks sara your will be here very soon xxx

    melissa i was 36b/c had 380cc overs i am 5″6 and 11 stone size 12.

    you shouldn’t go off others peoples stats though as you breasts will be very different to others.go woth what your surgeon has advised as he knows best. xx


    Hiya Kellyw thanks for your story i cant wait until i have mine now!! wish it was tomorrow – 3weeks and 3days (not that im counting or anything lol) I just wanted to ask what your stats were before and what size implants you had etc. I am having 380cc unders just wondering if you had unders or overs. Glad you are feeling well and enjoy your new boobs hun xx


    arr congrats keyy! well done, bet your pleased and relieved!! lol keep us informed with how u r x x

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