Well tomorrow I’m finally going under the knife I’m sooo scared but excited the same time I no il not sleep tonight ! Il update a picture after Iv had it done shop u what they look like if I can at least il have a lay in though don’t have to be there until 12.30 xxx
Me to hun im at fitzroy at 7am.. I did not sleep at all an im brickin it right now.. Just the puttin to sleep bit im worryin over. Hope it goes well hun xx
I’m due at the Fitzroy at 12. Starting to get really nervous now. Surprised I slept at all, definitely made the most of sleeping on my side. Good luck @charlottedabell1992 & @beckiea! xxx
Just got here hun, bit early. Cant describe how HUNGRY i am!! Xx
I’m hungry too! & probably won’t get to eat until late afternoon
Going to be a grumpy, emotional, hungry mess later! xx
I already am feel like a zombie an look it LOL just Waitin for the nurse.
Hope it goes well for you.
I know Iv just woke up just going to have abit of water and that’s me done for rest of day! I can’t believe how fast it’s gone good luck everyone xxxx
Hope it all goes well for you girls today! Let us know how you get on! xxx
Im still recovering.. Had op at 11 an came around at 2. Msnsged to eat cookies an water. God i never felt so ruff when i woke up. waitin to get drains out. Which im dreadin xx
Iv just got home I feel ok now I feel pain in my boobs it’s weird! Hated the pot holes way home lol I’m feeling fine just chilled out just annoying with arms but going to get in bed soon xx
HI hope your feeling a lot better you sound as if it all went really well .. ahh pot holes im dreading them. Mine is next week what size did you get – look forward to hearing how you are tomoro x
Thanks @aaaangell for the updat msg. On way home. Strugle to type.. Got pot hole issues to lol. The only pain is huge bloody bruises n hurts to deep breath. I dno if thts normal. Cnt wait to sleep. Xx
Def one hell of a ride today lol xx
I hope you feel better in the morning xx bet your so glad over and done with xx Ive read on lots of posts about hurting to breath deep – should imagine pretty normal x the things we do for breasts hehe
Good, fort maybe sumthing was to tight. Had unders so have bit strappin only on the top with the band. Pushin it down which is diff to all the girls iv seen on here. Im home in bed chilled. Yourl be fine iif you dont mind surgery unlike me who is a woos an i did it lol. If you have drains they ain to bad.. More painful when they pulled tape off them. Anyway thsnku for messagin hun. Gnna eat an sleep xxx
Iv had 400 cc unders I feel tight and I slept 7-8 hours on my back I felt like a baby I had a sleeping tablet though feel better cos I took my pain killers middle of night ! If you keep keeping up with pain killers it’s bareable xx
Problem im having is i hate tablets so much.. I tried crushin the painkiller one an i could taste it it was vile. So just had ibipurfen… Slept ok but sore back. Have not had the other tablets they have given yet do you have the breast band on? It has litterally pushed itself up my armpit. The pain lol xx
I had breast tissue at top too before wanted my boobs further up x
How you on your back hun ? I got told to stay 45degrees an thats caused me bad back pain lol. N did you get breast band xx i had 400cc unders in one an 375 in other. Unders xx
I’m alright Iv got my v pillow that’s helping loads back on my arm been aching and painful . No just got to wear this white tape until I have a check up next Friday then hopefully I can get into a sports bra . That sounds painful Hun try make sure u take ur medz makes me less in pain hope you feeling better soon if you not try get a v pillow try get someone to get you on they sell them in Argos .. they are so comfy xxxx
I got a v pillow it just sinks an i slope down lol. The effort trying to get comfy lol. Yeah i hope t get strappin off friday. Il keep taking meds. Better than bein in pain. Xx thankyou
Happy healing Charlotte they are looking very good
Thank you Hun just abit hyper from medz can’t keep still haha xxx
Hi girls im going monday for my op still undecided if to go under or over as would like to loose 10lb.
Did u girls travel back same day??
speedy recovery x
I had my op yest around 11 admiss at 7am i was discharged at 4:30 but stayed till 6 as i puked lol. So yeh xx
I hav unders its your preference
Hi how are y9ou feeling now – must of been hard being sick. I always go up and down between weight 9 or 10 stone so hope this wont affet the boobs when i get them. I never seem to put weight on or loose weight off them anyway, I hadnt thought of this.. x I norm where a size 8 or 10 depending on where bought. How are your arms for moving. Im like you I dojnt like ops, I dont like hospitals either or taking medication lol .. ive not really thought about any of the actual surgery as if i do it will put me off. I switch over when watching casulty if i see anything blood related hehe x
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