Hi girls, well I went back to work yesterday (12 days post op uplift with implants) and felt a bit rubbish while I was there but was glad I went in and then today I went in and had such a good day and I more or less feel back to my usual self, I even managed to do a big shop at Morrison’s on my own after work! Hopefully having my dressings off on Thursday so I can have a proper shower then I’ll feel even better 🙂 really didn’t think I’d be feeling this well after less than 2 weeks, maybe the rest I had has paid off cos I really did just sit and do nothing while I was recovering! Just hope it continues and I have no setbacks like a nipple falling off or anything haha! Hope everyone’s well, I’m gonna have a catch up on posts now. X
That’s great news Hun, I had a bit of a set back today, nothing massive, went for dressings off n my belly button leaking so had to have magic cream n re dressed so no full shower yet for me have to go back thurs! Also come unwel today which has swollen my stomach looks like Iv swallowed a football lol can u tell I feel sorry for myself today ha ha boobs fab though and completely healed 🙂
sunash ,im having an uplift /implants done can i ask what size implant are you allowed to go upto when you have an uplift ?i heard they wont let you go to big is this true do you know?also is it as painful as all the stories you hear ,im scared as hell but excited at same time :/ xx
Oh no, I saw the pic of your belly button, looked sore! Not surprised you don’t feel great! Hope it’s nothing too serious. You’ve been through a hell of a lot more than me hun you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, I knows it difficult, you’re like me, running round after kids and work etc and it’s hard to go from being so busy to being sedentary, I swear I’ve put about half a stone on since my op from sitting on my arse doing nothing lol! I really thought I’d took a turn for the worse on Saturday when I found that bruise, I was so upset, worrying like mad, dreading going back to work but not wanting to have any time off sick etc, you just feel torn cos there’s nothing you can do to help the healing. Hopefully you’ll start to pick up over the next few days and start getting back to normal soon x
Your right I’m just impatient and want over night results, don’t think I helped myself over the past 2 days either, yesterday cooed all day making batches of soup n freezing them, then cooked a chili, then say n ironed 2 weeks worth if clothes for 4 people, today been to clinic, then thought I would push a giant trolly round costcos come back n make a stew, think this is def my body’s way of telling me Iv been a complete idiot, I feel shit. Promised myself I won’t do anything tomorrow except the School run. Can’t wait to be normal again x
Yeah, that doesnt sound very relaxing lol! Do you know what, when i felt crappy on saturday i thought it was probably to do with doing too much on friday, i did the ironing friday for an hour…idiots arent we? Just chill out, the cleaning will still be waiting for you when you’re better x
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