What bras to get? HELP Started by: Becky

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  • Becky 26

    Hi everyone… I have my surgery booked for the 21st of this month and I’m really unsure and confused about what bras to buy? I was recommended to get a Macom bra and a few other sports bras from M&S or wherever. I’ve gone onto the Macom website and was going to buy the surgeons recommended one. My PC told me to get the back size I am now which is 32 but on websites I’ve been reading it says get one size up? I’m so confused, can anyone help or advise? I don’t know whether to just order a few in different sizes but its so much money and just not sure.

    Thanks ladies xxxx


    I was tols to order my back size.. Some say bigger back size due to swelling but suprisinly the macom adapts an stretches to your breast size. I think trust your pc. Im wearing mine 10 days po my usual back size an it changes tightness for me whenever i swell.
    Hope that helps xx

    Becky 26

    Aw thank you so much! I’m defiantly going to buy one tonight in my back size then! Xxx

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