What CC to get .. Started by: Kate

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  • Kate -5

    Hiya! I am 5 ft 8 and 10st 11lbs.. currently a 34A but I want to be a 34DD. Anyone with similar measurements to me and achieved this? Would love to know what CC you got and before and after pictures 😊

    Holly 16

    Hey Katie,

    I was a 34A before (if that) and I’m 4 weeks post op. I would say I’m around a 34D/DD (I won’t know until I get measured) I’m 5’4 and weigh 60kg. I had 350cc dual plane round and I love them. I’ll try and attach a before and after for you xxx

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    Sbowdell 15

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    I am 5 ft 7 and 10st 5. Was a 34a pre op and opted for 500cc UHP overs and I am between a 34DD and an E. attached photo

    Don83 -4

    Hi Katie,
    I was about 34a/b never really measured myself after having my children. In my early 20’s I was 34D 5ft7, but over time having my girls I lost my chest. I had 350cc put in I’m 1 week post op and about 34DD/E. I watched a really good vlog on YouTube which mentioned that if you have more skin/boob tissue your likely to be bigger then planed.

    Kylie -1

    Hi, im 4 Days post op now.
    My stats originally were 10st, 5ft 4, 32/34a (depending on type of bra) I have 2 children.
    I have just had 320cc UHP (this was the biggest I was allowed. I wanted bigger but upon him measuring me, naturally my boobs sit close together so he said if I went any bigger I would be at risk of symastia (Uniboob) so it was a choice of 240, 270, 290 and then said he would try 320 if he could .
    I’m so happy because he managed 320 in both.
    Although its no guarantee he did say it could take me to a full c cup maybe d.
    If your wanting to be a DD cup I would say minimum you will need is 350/375cc but it does all depends on your natural measurements.
    I will try and upload images but I am very early days yet so mine are very tight and high up.

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    lili_35 2

    I’m almost 8 weeks post op. I had 320 under and I’m 34C from a. So if you want dd I would say go at least 375.

    Kate -5

    Did you get smooth or textured?

    Chloe 1

    I’m 5ft 7 and got 400c moderate overs and now I’m an E! But I honestly think to go for the bigger implant as I was a b/c before I’d say definitely go for 400c maybe even 425 cc xx

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