What do I need?? Started by: Jodie

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  • Jodie 3

    Having my BA next Sunday and so far I’ve only bought my bra’s. What else will I need? I’m going to get a V Pillow but haven’t a clue what else I will need? X


    Tips and nighties that button up at the front, as you can’t lift your arms up. From what I’ve read take things to read and do as you can be waiting a around abit, snacks for after, drinks in sports bottle to make it easier to drink from after surgery, a normal pillow to put across your boobs for the seat belt, I can’t think of anything else as I’ve not had mine done yet, but take a look through the thread Boobie Bible, there are loads of hints and tips xx

    Samantha 1

    Get some hibiscrub to wash with pre and post op, it’s made for patients having operations. antiseptic wipes for around the incision area, baby wipes and dry shampoo, as you can’t shower (I’ve had help with having shallow baths) stool softenters and charcoal tablets for the constipation and bloating. Hot water bottle, if you dont already have one, I’ve had aweful back pain from sleeping upright. Make sure you have plenty of pillows to prop yourself up with at home…I needed 6 plus my v pillow! Put a couple of them underneath your knees so you don’t slide down the bed…it’s a pain in the ass, bum shuffling back into place. Xx

    Jodie 3

    Thanks girls, can I have shallow baths from the day after my surgery and just flannel wash the top half? I’m bit of a hygiene freak and no way I can go days without having a proper wash! X


    You can have shallow baths but you can’t get the strapping wet, I’m also a clean freak and hate the thought of not being able to soak in the bath for at least 6 weeks, and not being able to wash my hair

    Jodie 3

    What about after the strapping is off? Can I shower then or can you still not get incisions wet? I used to work in a hairdressers so the hair washing isn’t a problem as I get free hair dos! X


    I found that u don’t rele need snacks as they gave u a 3 course meal. And i was struggling to eat that but their fruit salad was lovely until i threw it all back up an hour after but they force unto eat. And they also give u a straw to drink with so didn’t even have to lift it. Wait until the nurse says u can shower. I could shower after 1 week but i know some people have to wait 2 weeks! I was in bed for a week just watching tv and on my iPad. Was very bored and think i must have watched ever single friends episodes. I just got baby wipes and a roll on deodrant as didn’t know if i would get the spray in to the strapping and infect it or something i think i had 1 shower from tummy down once and got straight back in my pyjs. I did stink horrible!!!

    Jodie 3

    Thanks, I’ve got 2 young children so I doubt I’ll get the chance to stay in bed for days! I always use roll on anyway so that’s fine for me. I get bored very easily so I’m not looking forward to doing nothing! Xx

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