what do your partners think of your new boobies :D Started by: amy

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  • amy

    just wondering what did you partners have to say about you new boob girls πŸ˜€

    leanne 1

    Mine loves them… thinks Dr Kazzazi is a god! Lol x

    Nicki 1

    He Absolutely loves them!!! πŸ˜€ But what can u expect previously being a aa lol! Ten years down the line and finally.. BOOBS!! πŸ˜€ xx

    Kim 1

    My boyfriend won’t look at them yet think its kinda freaking him out as only 6 days po today and they are still brused and tight looking he’s very screamish anyway. He has said that he’s looking forward to them being fully healed so i know hes gonna enjoy them lol but looks like its gonna be some time before he does look properly until then he will only have a quick peak lol


    aww bless im sure when then nicely heeled he will be all over them πŸ˜€

    it must be weird for guys to have a flat empty boob to play with then a nice big bad boy to play with he he x

    Kirsty -4

    My fiancΓ© works abroad so he hasn’t seen them properly yet! He was here for the op and saw me all strapped up but then he had to go back to work and isn’t home until 22nd job (stupid pipe line lol) xx


    Does your fiance work in oil and gas Kirsty? My hubbie does and is away a lot too. Its hard work with young ones on my own but the plus points are a nice tidy house and no underpants or wet towels on the floor to pick up everyday x

    Kirsty -4

    He does Sharon πŸ™‚ he’s out in Papua New Guinea at the moment, so literally at the other side of the world :(. It’s hard in one way because he’s away for 10 weeks at a time and then home for 2 weeks. But I’ve got used to it and so has our little boy. Don’t forget the no socks to pick up!! Lol xx


    Haha, how could I forget sweaty socks! My husband is a petroleum engineer but he specialises in hydraulic fracking ( the inland drilling technique which our government is looking to introduce in the UK) and that takes him here, there, everywhere at the moment. I’m used to it now too and my little boy doesn’t mind it either as he’s got control of the remote control most of the time x


    Mine also works away I dont see him again until 22nd march πŸ™ he was with me at op and 3 days after they were swollen and really high on my chest then but he still loved them, bit of a difference from the non existent skin flaps I had before πŸ™‚ xxx


    Mine works on oil rig in Mexico x

    Kirsty -4

    Aww Emma he’s home same day as mine πŸ™‚ xxx


    Think he is more excited than me about the new twins lol! Glad I’m not the only rig wife with fake boobs lol xxx


    He loves them. I’m a bit disappointed with the size but he is really pleased that they’re not bigger as he isn’t a fan of very big breasts. So for him these are perfect. He insists they were fine before too but I don’t believe him lol.


    Haha I know EmmaFrog, roll on the Xmas do and then we can show off our other half’s well earned cash lol xx


    Lol Sharon that really tickled me πŸ˜€ I know!! Wooohoooo I’m no longer the one without boobs (think most I know have been spending there mans money under the knife) ! I can’t wait πŸ™‚


    Wait till he sees his bank statement lol! Xxx

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