What happens in the pre op? Similar stats to me 375cc Started by: Sophie Jude

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  • Sophie Jude 13

    Hey everyone,

    My op is booked for January 26th with Dr Giannas in London and I’m excited but started to freak out abit reading some of the things on here so I’ve stayed away from The forum as I was beginning to get obsessed!
    I have my pre op booked for the 3rd January but don’t had a clue what it is for? Any info would be great ???? feel like I don’t really know anything considering I’m having the op in a months time. Anyway I’m 5 ft 5 and 8 stone 11 and I’m having 375cc over the muscle from a 32 B and would love to see some pictures if any of you have got some with similar stats? I’d be very grateful! It’s a very daunting experience but looking forward to my new pair of boobies xxx

    Lindsey 49

    I had my pre op with the nurse, she jut went through all my medical history, all the forms and explained the procedure again. She talked me through what happens after and about recovery. Checked my height, weight, took pics for the file and did the swabs for MRSA as you have to be checked for it before the hospital will admit you. She was really nice I was worried all the way there but she put me at ease. I had my op done on the 18th December so now recovering. My stats are quite similar to you I’m 5ft6, 8st 10, 34a but I have had 400cc hp under the muscle but I will attach a pic for you have have a look at x

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    Sophie Jude 13

    Thankyou so much for your reply! I really appreciate it. Put me at ease slightly! Omg …. yours look amazing! The size is literally perfect. Hopefully mine will turn out really similar. Hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas xxxxx

    Sophie 26

    Hi! I’m booked in for mine January 16th with Dr Giannas. However I’m booked in with transform, are you going through mya? Pre op is nothing stressful I actually saw dr Giannas and had a little chat with him as he was at the clinic at the time he is so lovely really put me at ease. But yeah, it’s a great opportunity to ask all you need to, so what you can or can’t do before and after surgery, post op bra advice, you also book your post op appointment too. I didn’t gave any bloods or swabs taken though. Good luck anyway these few weeks will fly by for us in sure! X

    Ana 1

    Hi Sophie, is yours booked at the Riverside Clinic in London? X

    Sophie 26

    @ana7 hi! Yeah that’s where I’m going for my op, bit of a distance for me but super excited. I would definitely recommend transform if your researching atm I’ve had a great experience so far

    Sophie Jude 13

    Ahh so excited for you!! What cc are you getting? I’ve met dr Giannas twice now and he seems very pleasant and calming like you said. I’m so excited but super nervous too! Xxx

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