what have peoples reactions been after your ba? Started by: jaks

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  • jaks

    Just wondering what friends, families reactions have been after having your ba? I told a few friends i was having mine done, most were supportive and had the few “what a waste of money” quotes, this ive put down to jelousy… went to toddlar group today with the kids and peoples reactions were intresting,, those who knew were great and supportive, those i didnt tell were gossiping behind my back, sod them was my reaction, at least ive had the guts to do somthing with my body which i was unhappy about.

    It was great when a friend i hadnt told i was getting them done noticed, she was like “omg youve had your boobs done”, this caused another topic to talk about “my boobs”, its amazing what you talk about at toddlar groups!!!!

    I havent seen my family since having my ba, so it will be intresting to see their reaction as i havent told them.
    Please let me know what your friens reactions have been.
    Good luck to those getting them done x


    Hi Jaks, what a mixed reaction you received!! To be honest I don’t know how I would take the negative reactions, I suppose I will just have to hold my head up high and rise about it!! lol.

    The only people that I have told are 2 of my managers in works a few work colleagues, my boyfriend knows, and a couple of close friends and that is it!! I don’t want anyone else to know, mainly because I’m worried about the negative attitudes that there might be (especially if parents and family knew) therefore I have just been wearing bigger fillets in my bra whenever I visit parents on the weekend, and hope that they don’t notice when I have it done for real!

    I go back to Uni 2 days after my BA, and only 2 people know about my BA in uni, so I’m really unsure if anyone will notice in uni, after all it has been a very long summer holiday consisting of nearly 7 months off…I suppose I could have put on lots of weight over the summer????? haha.

    happy healing jaks!! Only one week to go for mine!!


    x x x


    :bigsmile:thanks Wendy,

    Perhaps im being paranoid but sure people are looking at me to see if they can notice, playground mums for you eh???? I think its quite funny now, at least if their talking about me it saves them talking about someone else……. perhaps i should do school run in a tight top (pity im still wearing support bra or i could have worn that without bra) or bikini top, that would give them somthing to talk about….

    Good luck, with your ba Wendy, happy recovery keep us posted with your story, and good luck when you go back to uni xx


    hahaha Jaks, yeah imagine if you had turned up in a bikini or a boob tube and hot pants!!! hahaha, would have made everyone look!! lol. Talking about sports bras, Mr Adamo did say that I wouldn’t need a sports bra, what do you think Jaks?? Do you think it’s better to wear one??

    Aww that you for the good luck :bigsmile: I’m going to need it! I am petrified to be honest, but I just think of stories especially your’s and then I feel better again!!!

    Take care and again, I’m really happy for you! :bigsmile:


    x x x


    :bigsmile::bigsmile:Ive been wearing sports bras and support bras, not very flattering, but now they fit more cofy on me, i cant wait to go proper bra shopping. My surgeon advised me to wear support bra, i suppose it depends on the individual surgeon eh?
    You will love your new boobs, i was so calm about the whole experience and am thinking now tummy tuck…. only problem need to rob a bank, find a sugar daddy or win the lottery!!!!!


    I think I will try with the sports bra and see how that goes and if not, then I won’t wear one for a bit!! I have bought these silicone nipple covers!! haha they cover the nipple so they don’t show your tops!! haha Yeah you’re right depends on the surgeon!
    tummy tuck???? good luck with finding a sugar daddy! hahahaha, why don’t we all join forces and rob a bank together!! hahaha, it would be fine because then we’d use the money for more plastic surgery, and no one would ever know! haha :bigsmile:


    x x x

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