What is fluffing? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    OK I’ve been doing some research and fluffing isn’t a real term I think Mya may have invented this phenomenon word.

    My question is does it REALLY happen. Has anyone dropped fully (where the implant settle as muscles relax), then gone through “fluffing” where you apparently get bigger??

    Since day one the swelling has gone down and I’ve been getting smaller. Worried that when all the swelling goes I’ll have tiny boobs. So wanted to know what happened with sizing changes for you girls.

    I wouldn’t mind if my boobs got smaller with all the swelling going away, as long as they fluff to a bigger size!


    Mya haven’t invented it, it’s all over other forums aswell as someone on one has explained it perfectly, she said it’s like when you plump up a cushion 🙂 I’m only 5wpo but dying for mine to fluff lol, think it starts happening around 6wpo x


    All I can say is I assume it really refers to your skin stretching to accommodate the implant properly. Initially with swelling they look big but also high in your chest. Swelling goes down and they start to drop slowly over a number of weeks into their sockets. I’m 9wpo this Wednesday and although I’m not sure they’ve exactly fluffed I feel like they must be growing as they’re getting softer. The implant itself won’t be softening so I assume the softening is my skin stretching to accommodate it making the breasts appear larger as they’re not so tight in your chest. Hope this makes sense. X


    @pollypolly ah no I agree it’s just a forum term well the actual name is I guess but the results seem to be real 🙂 x


    I had mentor textured and to be honest they haven’t changed a dramatic amount since day 1. Textured implants are precisely placed in the pocket and they don’t move a lot afterwards, although I suspect this varies a little bit depending on surgeon.
    I have a BA Instagram which you’re welcome to add me on to see my progress, my op date was the 20th December and I had 275ccs. . Please message me before if you don’t have a BA account yourself, its holly201217.

    Stacey 498

    Fluffing is real Hun they do accually getting bigger tho they just tend to look like they have it’s just wear the implants have finally settled and everything has relaxed so your muscle if you have unders or your breast tissue isn’t holding them down any more it’s defo real tho Hun and different sugoen and company’s use different words and have different ways of saying it xxxx

    Stacey 498

    Don’t sorry xx

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