what is the reason for sleeping sat up ? Started by: sam smith

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    Might sound dumb ? But I’m wondering reason for sleeping upright is it because of swelling? And also how upright are you meant to be ? I’m 5 days post op from BA and am sleeping propped up and keep waking up flat on my back can’t seem to keep up !! X

    Hannah 1

    You need loadsa pillows babe. I’ve been sleeping at like a 45• angle rather than 90• it is for the swelling babes. I think your meant to do it for two weeks solid xxx


    Yeah I try my best lol 🙂 always seem to have slided down the best during the night hhaha !! X

    kathryn 1

    Its to help with drainage of fluid and air, and allowing the swelling to go down, I think it makes you less likely to stretch the incisions as well coz of the pressure at the sides. I think once you think the skin has mostly closed over and its not sore for you then you can lie down again, I couldn’t of lied on my back at first coz the pressure on my chest was uncomfortable, it took me about 2 weeks I think and the I just lied on my side for another week or so x

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