What questions should i ask my PC? Started by: Leoni

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  • Leoni 1

    Hello Ladies!
    I have my first consultation on Thursday and i’m not entirely sure what i should be asking her? I know there are so many questions i’ve had in the past. However, i can never seem to think of them when i sit down to write some and i am also unsure of which i should ask her and which i should ask my surgeon.
    Would love some help! 🙂 xx

    Danielle 2

    i have a post i created last week with a whole load of questions on that should help, i’ll bump it up for you to take a look x

    Leoni 1

    Thank you hunni! I had already copied all of your question hehe. I was just unsure which to ask at the PC consultation and which to ask when i meet the surgeon. 🙂 xx

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