What size did 300/325cc take you to? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls! 🙂 I know it’s not an exact science and we all have different stats, but I’m having 300 or 325cc (high profile, round, unders) next month and am just wondering what kind of size I can expect with this result. I’m currently a 32 A/AA (never been measured but I’m pretty much as flat as you can get). I’m a small-framed size 6 at 5 foot 2 and 8 stone. I’m hoping for a C or D cup, definitely nothing too big on my frame! I’m thinking that 300 is a safe bet, but I don’t want to regret going too small, or too big with 325! I wish there was a size in the middle!

    If anyone wouldn’t mind sharing pictures too or messaging me some I’d really appreciate it! I hope you’re all happy with your results. 🙂

    Suzy 16

    Hiya, I’m 3wpo and measuring 30F but have just bought 32DD from M&S as now the swelling has gone down my post surgery bras weren’t as supportive. These are post surgery too but fit better. I’ve yet to stop & fluff so might go bigger yet. I had 350 vhp unders from 32A. Cant figure out how to post pics though!

    Suzy 16


    Lorna 57

    Im having the exact same 300/325 hp round partials tomorrow! And my stats are the same as yours except I’m a 34aa/33A. The difference in those 2 sizes is literally like 2 teaspoons of sugar, I couldn’t even tell the difference when I tried the sizers on! So I’d go for the 325 as you’ll lose some size with them being under the muscle. I’ve told my surgeon 325 and he said if he can’t fit them in he’ll use 300’s 🙂 so I’ll have to wait until I wake up tomorrow to see what I got! 25cc is honestly a miniscule amount anyway so don’t stress over that 🙂 im wanting the same bra size after too but I’ve found the longer time has gone on the more I’d probably be disappointed if I ended up smaller than a D! But honestly as long as they look good and suit me thats all I’m bothered about really 🙂 I’ve seen girls with similar stats and cc end up as D and DD I haven’t seen many C cups with 300cc or more! My op is tomorrow so I can keep you updated if you like? I don’t have a BA instagram or anything but if it’s easier feel free to message me for my number and I can let you know what to expect etc 🙂 xx

    Jennie 28

    I had 325 -300 hp and I’m measuring a d cup xx

    Lorna 57

    I’m at the Leeds clinic too! Op is at pall mall newton le willows xx


    My friend was a 32a before, she’s around nine stone five foot two and she had 310 hp unders and she’s a 32dd x

    Lydia 85

    I had 320cc uhp partials and I’m now a 32dd. Was about same stats as you before x


    I had 325s some stats. Was a 32e at 6 weeks then went down to a 32c/d within a year. Implants change so much over time people do not realise, even if they seem big st first they will change so much. 325is nt a big implant the difference between your two sizes is a couple of tea spoons worth which is tiny tiny. Don’t stress yourself over sizes. Ask your surgeons to go with what he thinks is set or go biggest lol, you won’t regret it once all swelling/changes have subsided xx


    @ljx6 Hi Lorna, think I’ve spoken to you before 🙂 I can’t believe your surgery is tomorrow! I hope it goes well for you and I can’t wait to hear how you get on. I’d appreciate it so much if you could text me how you get on or message me on here (I’ll send you a private message of my number in a sec). How funny that we’re both at the Leeds clinic – which surgeon are you with?

    I know when I was trying on the 300s and the 325s yesterday I could only just tell the difference. The 325 was a bit fuller, but when I put a 300 in one side and a 325 in the other, my mum couldn’t tell which was which! The PC could but that’s her job haha. I’d say it’s more pronounced on pictures but very slightly. I’m only worrying because I’ve seen some girls with huge 325s and some girls with really nice 325s.

    I’ve been thinking that too with wanting a D more than a C now. I’ll be happy with a C, but I wouldn’t mind a D and tbh like you said I haven’t really seen anyone say they’re a C cup, even when they’ve had 250-275cc from nothing. I’m only worried because my surgeon wrote B/C cup on my official letter, but he just said he didn’t want to disappoint me. I was like I’m not paying this much money for a B cup. I’ve just had a cheeky measure of myself with 300cc using the rice test and I’ve come up online as a 30 D (so 32c sister size) which is what I’m after. I’m not sure how accurate it is though.

    I can’t wait to hear how you get on tomorrow. Good luck!! xxx


    @kassiewilson Thank you! Do you wish you’d gone bigger? xx


    Thanks everyone! 🙂 x


    Yes, im looking at a re-op,
    Also i wouldn’t be too concerned with c/d you will find they will both fit, one will make you boobs sit higher on your chestand on will just sit over them, so much so i will get either size which is in the shop as they both fit also depending on shop some need a c some a d xxx

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