What size do I go with? 400 or 450 cc Started by: Temisha Williams

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    Hey girls!
    I’ve just been to see the surgeon and he said he would advise on top of the muscle for me. I’m a size 12 and currently a 34b. Would anyone mind sharing pics and similar stats to 400 or 450cc? He started at 300 cc and I didn’t really notice a difference until 400. I would like a natural look, not too round. But he suggested HP up to 450 cc.

    Thank you in advance

    Meg 10

    Hiya! I’ve been in the same boat as you, we have similar stats! I’ve been offered 400 and 425, and everyone who I’ve spoken to has said go for the bigger size xx


    It’s crazy as someone I know had 285 cc and they look a nice size. So scared they will be too big. When are you booked in for? I might be able to book 27th November EKK, so scared xx

    Erin 3

    I disliked your post by mistake and I have no idea how to undo it aha sorry (incase you wondered why)


    Lol I didn’t even notice, don’t really know how to use this yet @erin

    Kate 26

    Not much help but starting off a b whichever size you go for you are going to end up a lovely size
    I’m on for 27th nov ????


    @Kate my date is actually the 29th. So close! What size are you going for? I’m so nervous. I keep thinking am I doing the right thing xx

    Alex 4

    Hi Temisha, I originally went for 400cc over the muscle but went back to see my surgeon 2days ago as I feel I now want to go with 450cc instead! I’m in on 6th November really excited but nervous too xxx

    Rebekah 174

    I have 365cc in at the min and I’m changing to 450s , my 365cc arnt as big as I hoped and I needed pocket revision so changing size at the same time , defo go for the bigger ones , I’m having mine the day after you @alexah990 🙂 xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Rebekah 174.

    @rebekah1993 @alexah990 I’ve noticed so many people on here with around 275-375cc and they look pretty big. So worried they will look ridic. I’m a size 12 currently and 5.3. What are your stats xx

    Rebekah 174

    Honestly anything under 350cc is pointless in my eyes I’m size 6 5’1 7stone7 I don’t even look a D ! I’m pretty glad I needed pocket revision so I can get bigger ones , I would be gutted paying all this money for hardly no difference , I feel like a lot of mya surgeons offer really small implants , I’m still wearing padded bras (like my pic) and I don’t want that ! Xxx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Rebekah 174.
    Kate 26

    How you feeling about it all @temisha you’ll be fine it’s normal to feel nervous I loved the whole experience last time just hoping 2nd time will be as good.
    I’m having re op due to cc having 550cc this time as mya don’t use the implants I currently have and that’s the closest size to my current 520cc
    That’s good @rebekah are they charging for having bigger implants this time?x

    Rebekah 174

    No @kate1986 they arnt charging me this time thank good ! They have to open me up to round both breast pockets anyways so they would of need to put another implant in again so thought I may aswel to bigger , I’m hoping this time round isn’t as bad apparently it’s the stretching that hurts the most and it’s already been done , fingers crossed ! Xxx

    Kate 26

    Oh god you poor thing hope it all goes well and you don’t get too much pain.
    That’s really good that they are willing to let you go bigger,I really wanted to be cheeky and try and get bigger 🙂 xxx

    Rebekah 174

    @kate1986 Thankyou ! Hope yours does too 🙂 you should of asked ! Are u getting both changed ? Xxx

    Alex 4

    I’m 5ft 6 and a size 8, 8st 3lbs

    Darcy 2

    I am a size 12 and was a 32a/b to start with! I was offered 350-450 and went with 450cc in the end, over the muscle! So happy I went for the biggest as I still dont think they are that big. Dont go off other girls pics as good angels etc make them look bigger, and different width frames etc. When you tried the sizers on and if the 450cc felt good on you go for that! Follow my MYA page for pics if you want, I am 13 days PO.

    Instagram: myagirl171018

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