What sizeeeee confused Started by: Marie

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  • Marie 3

    Hi girls I’ve been for 2 consultations with different surgeons been told I can have 550 unders by one surgeon and 650 overs by another surgeon I’m 36a/b size 14 height 5,8 has any one started off at this size and had either implant really am confused would love loads pictures please,I’ve got 2 more consultations booked with Mr Singh and Mr traynor gonna see what they suggest also any one had implants similar with these surgeons xxxxx


    Hey from me IDE say take the 650cc and run my lovely they will fit your frame really nicely pls don’t go for smaller as you will regret it big time my lovely xxx


    If I was IDE go for over muscle chick I’ve gone from under to over and you can see the big diffrence with the two if flick in to my album xx

    Marie 3

    Seen mr Singh today he offered 650 overs
    Really happy with that still have consultation with transform and one with hospital group gonna see what surgeon says
    Then have big decision to make WHICH SURGEON AND WHICH COMPANY

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