What sports bras are the best?? Started by: Georgina

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    Hi girls! Hope you can help me, I’m wonting to no what sports bras are the best after surgery? Iv just brought myself today a shock absorber from debenbhams for after my op but I’m needing another one or maybe even two and was wondering which ones to get? My shock absorber was quite expensive, £38 pound but I got 20% off and was wounding if there’s any cheaper ones out there but will still hold me as good?! Iv heard girls saying about the Macon bra but Iv heard good and bad reviews on them so unsure if to get that one.. Thankssss xx


    I’ve barley wore my macom so it was a waste of money. Asda do a post op bra for £8 and it’s very comfy xx


    i just bought a shock absorber bra from ebay £19

    also my mum had a lonsdale sports bra for night after 2 weeks ( much more comfortable for night) which were £6 sports direct she also got some high impact sports bras from tescos that were comfortable.

    I work in lingerie shop and always have people come in post op to be measured.. most the time theyre just in normal high impact bras, rarely the macom bra

    hope this helps 🙂

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