What to expect at Consultation? Started by: Leesa

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  • Leesa 6

    So im currently saving for my ba, just wondering what to expect from the consultation, im dying to book it soon but dont want to be pressurized into putting a deposit down just yet.

    Jen 12

    Generally the following:

    What look you want to achieve
    Your stats – height, weight etc
    Measurements of things like nipple to nipple, your back/chest size and then you’ll get to try different sizes on! Exciting!

    Gemma 3

    Hi Lisa! I had my first consultation with a patient advisor yesterday and she was really helpful! We started talking about me and what I was hoping to achieve, then talked a bit about the procedure / what to expect. Talked about types of implant and saw some before and after pics, all about MYA and then talked about pricing etc. There was no pressure to book anything there and then, I have booked my surgeon consultation but there was no pressure to do that!

    Hope that helps, I’d go for it if you’re thinking of booking a consultation 🙂



    I am in the same boat as you Jen and I’m also wondering is only the first consultation free and you have to pay for the rest? Like the surgeon consultation? Can’t find anything about it anywhere!! Thanks 🙂

    Megan 3

    All consultations are free. I had my first consultation with my patient coordinator yesterday, she asked me about myself, medical history, why I wanted to have it done, what size I wanted to go for. I got to try on implants to see how it would look, she asked me what sort of implants I wanted etc. Then asked me how I wanted to pay.
    Luckily I was able to have my consultation with my surgeon today, again he asked me about my medical history, what look I wanted to go for, took all of my measurements and advised me what the maximum size was I could go for and let me th them on. Went through the risks, after the procedure etc.
    Everyone is very helpful, there is absolutely no pressure to pay for anything, the only time you will need to pay is if you want to book your surgery date, other jab that it’s very relaxed, they’re pretty flexible on things so I wouldn’t worry!


    Thanks so much Megan that’s really helpful! 🙂 booked my consultation for next week I’m so excited/nervous!

    Katerin 20

    Thanks megan for your reply to this post!!! I have my consultation tomorrow and was also wondering if you needed to pay for the consultation with the surgeon!!! So excited!!!

    Saff 67

    Hey – I’ve not had any consultations yet but I know the first consultation is free and the following ones with surgeons – as long as you don’t cancel without early notice.
    If you already know for certain which surgeon you want to do the procedure, and you want to book your surgery tomorrow with the PC to get it done sooner, then the minimum deposit for the surgery will be higher than the minimum deposit at further consultations with the surgeon/PC when you do decide to book. (See link)

    It’s probably better to wait to meet the surgeon first unless you’re 100% certain.



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