Hi there! i had my boobs done 2 weeks ago and was in throughout the day, i went in my velour tracksuit and took with me a dressing down, which i didnt even wear cos was red hot in the room after.
I took my makeup and underwear etc, and some toiletries, but in the end i didnt even end up getting showered the day after as wouldnt have been a bit of a struggle, (as easier to wash your bottom half sat in a bath when you get home!
So just take pyjamas!!! makeup, deodrant! (which again i coulndt use, as i had dressing under my arms from the drains!)
oh and plenty of mags!!! as gets boring waiting to go in for the op and after aswell.
Take ya mobile phone!! as i took sneaky pics of my boobs and sent them to my family and friends he he!
im trying to think what else??????????? underwear, slippers if you wanna go for a walk, but doubt you will as you feel a little dizzy and very tired!. In fact thinking about it, you dont really need much, as after the op you are in your pj’s until they relaise you yo go home then you can put ya tracky back on> Hope this help! ha ha