What to take to a day case? Started by: Emma

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  • Emma

    Sports bra , leggings or jogging bottoms whatever’s comfy,a zip up hoody as it may be hard to lift a Tshirt over the head? Socks, spare undies,( arrive in the clothes and put them on to go home in)none metal bobbles, someone mentione baby wipes? Throat sweets and drinks/ water ect.. Phone and charger maybe some magazines Isthis everything? Not sure what to pack as its only a day case and when I go places I always take more than I need xx


    Yea hun u have it all there i suppose it depends what time your admission is and how quickly u get seen.My admission was 7:30am i was in first and didnt have time to chill b4 i went down and after was in recovery so i didnt need to bring anything to read etc i bought onesie to go home in wipes are good to freshen up they supplies me with drinks lucozade water to go home with etc bring charger have hair mayb get dry shampoo i hated not being able to wash hair and you could have fried chips on myn by the time i could! yukkkk! Good luck!


    That’s great, I suppose earliest would be best for me too less time to worry and think about it as I’m a big worrier I’d walk into hospital then get scared and u have to wait long enough til your op day to think about it and worry yourself haha. Can’t wait now though just get if soo excited. Right il take some dry shampoo with me too thanks 🙂 xx


    Te onsie is a good idea too as I love my onsie ad my friend will only be bringing me home so no ones gonna see me haha xx


    I no i only bought one for going to hospital didnt have one b4 and then lived in it over the week of recovery just when your feeling ill its just easy and comfy and myn was pretty cool so i looked aloright looool and yea my mate was taking me home so only her seeing me init! xx

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