What to take to hospital? Started by: HappyFace

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  • HappyFace 9

    Hi Girls,

    Got my op on the 19th of April 2017, I am sooooo excited and I am now starting to order in bra’s etc for hospital and post-op.

    I only got told on my pre-op that i will have to pack a bag for hospital. could anyone share what they packed? Is there anything out of the ordinary I should take, like blankets?

    Any help is appreciated!! x

    Amy 74

    I only took something to wear to go home in, a charger and my iPad to be honest. Maybe something to eat for afterwards when you come round. Honestly you don’t need much at all! The whole day went so quickly for me x

    HappyFace 9

    Thanks Amy,

    I’m so excited yet panicking because i want everything to be perfect and do not want to forget anything. How long after admission was your op? x

    Amy 74

    You’ll be fine! I stayed overnight and didn’t touch my bag once lol. As long as you have yourself and some clothes you’ll be fine! Also take your post op bra, I forgot to mention that.
    My admission was 3pm, I went down at 4:30! & that flew by as I had a few people come in to do different things with me x

    HappyFace 9

    Wow, do they put a line in your hand or anything, what did they do before the op? x

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