What to take to the hospital?! Started by: Codie

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  • Codie 32

    Hi girls, my op day is tomorrow and i was wondering what everybody took to the hospital with them? Thankyou! Xx

    Ellie 279

    watching this as i need to know as well. I’m taking slippers and a nightgown so far coz a few girls have mentioned this..not taking food or anything or even magazines lol x

    Xx..A..xX 81

    I took my Macom and a spare sports bra (good job as my Macom didn’t fit due to swelling), pj’s and a change of clothes (zip up hoody and joggers), magazines, sweets and sugary drinks for after, phone charger, glasses incase they made me take my contacts out! Took my toothbrush too because my mouth felt vile after!! Ermmmmm, can’t think of anything else lmao xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    Oh and take a pillow to travel home with between boobies and seat belt xx

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