What to take with me on day of op?? Started by: Shantel

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  • Shantel 32

    I’m booked in with mr traynor having 400cc unders on 12th Jan, just wondering if anyone could let me know what I need for hospital and for after my op?! Also I have bought 2 Macom bras should I buy a different one aswell Incase it doesn’t fit well?! Xxx


    Hi i had 400cc unders in december, my macom wouldnt fit at first as i was so swollen and bloated, i would recommend a m&s high impact zip up sports bra i went up a back size for the first 5 days until my macom would fit! Other than that you dont really need anything. I would recomend a v pillow, hotwater bottle and travel neck pillow for comfort afterwards ☺️

    Best of luck ?

    Shantel 32

    Thanks Lisa πŸ™‚ iv seen your pics yours look amazing hoping mine turn out as good!! I will deffinetly get myself one of the m&s bras then! Xxx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    Heya Hun, I took 2 bras (my Macom and an asda one) and my Macom didn’t even fit straight after the op. I also took my phone charger ? Magazines, some sweets just to grab every now and again after, some sugary drinks, my v pillow and a change of clothes like some joggers and hoody..but I ended up putting my jeans and vest back on anyway! Good luck xxx

    Shantel 32

    Eeeeek a lot of people have said that there Macom didn’t fit straight after! Best Buy another then glad I asked about that lol, got my v pillow at the ready too! Thanks πŸ˜€ xx

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