What to wear????? Started by: Sam

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  • Sam

    I am booked in next wednesday and I am unsure what to take with me to the hospital? I have my sports bras in various sizes but then what else do I need? What to I take to come home in? Do I take food & drink with me or will i get food there?????

    leanne 1

    You staying over night?
    Take dressing gown, slippers as I had to wear a gown and walk to theatre in dressing gown and slippers. Take plenty mags to read while ur waiting to go down and take some nibbles I took Harribo and minstrels and some crisps. I was overnight and had a sandwich
    After op and English breakfast next morning!
    I had dr kazzazi he uses strapping which I had to wear a week so didn’t need sports bra but different surgeons are different.
    Ps good luck xx
    Oh and a v pillow is a good idea I didn’t have one but wish
    I did xx


    No I am just a daycase, yeah I will take some mags was thinking that…. also wanted to know about canula do they put that in straight away when you get there has a massive fear of needles so want to get it out the way!
    They have told me not to eat for 6 hours before as well
    What did you wear to go home in? Normal clothes or did you just stick your dressing gown on?


    hey hun im in on friday and thinking the same thing day case im contemplating coming home in pajamas haha comfy easy to slip on and would just want to get into them when im home and a zip up hoodie 🙂 no make up too so i just wont be bothered ow i look xx how exciting!!!!

    Kirsty -4

    I was a day case and I came home in my pajamas! I didn’t leave the hospital until 7pm and I really couldn’t be bothered putting clothes on for an hour car journey to take them off again when I got home lol. The nurse said alot of girls go home in pjs so I didn’t feel to bad walking out of the hospital in my pjs and dressing gown haha


    That is fine then I will take some clothes but I will just go home in my pjarmas I think, wana be comfy and dont care what people think haha! x

    Kirsty -4

    Exactly! Good luck Hun xx


    Thank you 🙂 xx

    tracey 2

    A baggy top that does up at the front to come home in. Trousers or skirt or pj bottoms that are easy to pull on shoes that slip on easy. If u take any sweets n drinks rember not to touch ths em till after the op.! I was given menu to chose what i wanted for when i came round for food and drink i also had a dressing gown there with my sexy op gown to use. Take slippers as i found it bloody freezing when i came round magazines or something to do whilst waiting.
    The canula is not put in till you are in the anacetic room and its such a calm place u won’t free out! I have a massive hate for needles. Sometimes.u have to have a blood test whilst waiting to go down though.

    tracey 2

    Oh and take a pillow to place between yourself and seat belt for journey home.

    veepiink 1

    My ops on Sat, I’ve bought a v pillow for the journey home & a onesie to go home in as it zips at the front x


    I came home yesterday in track suit bottoms a zip up fleece I had bought from Tesco for only £8.00 and slip on dolly shoes. The nurse helps you put on the bra you take with you. Did take a magazine but watched the tv in my room mainly.
    Dressing gown is provided, my feet did get a bit cold before the op but just put them under the duvet!


    I hope there is no more blood tests… I went end of jan for my pre op and they couldnt get any blood out of me and I ended up getting in a right tizz so Mr T came in and said I dont want any blood so I just thought brilliant Ive got out of that yesterday I got told I had to give blood so mad rush to Manchester to give blood today and same again today poked and prodded for half an hour again until she managed to get some 🙁 So hopefully no more of that!
    But thanks for the advise I wouldnt have thought about a pillow… I have everything now I have a little check list I just wish it was tomorrow now I am scared but excited all at once its a good feeling though x

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