What to wear. Started by: Elizabeth Newland

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    I have surgery in a few weeks, implant and uplift. Does anyone have suggestions of what to wear etc? Thank you x

    Emma 4

    Hey, I had my surgery on the 24th October. I wore my normal clothes in then after surgery I just slept in my gown as I couldn’t be bothered to get pjs on.. plus, I was too hot so had the aircon on full lol. Then the next morning I wore home cycle shorts, a zip up hoody, my compression socks and sliders… quite the look but it was so comfy and easy to get on.
    Then continued to wear button up pjs, cardy’s and shirts for the next two weeks as you won’t want to raise your arms too far the first couple weeks. I am 5weeks post op on Monday and I still can’t completely put my left arm fully above my head.

    Lauren 1

    Had my implant and uplift yday and I was the same although I had to get into my own pjs (button up) as soon as I felt up to it, much more comfy! I went home in a button up loungewear set that I got from Shien comfy and easy to put on.

    Aimee 7

    Had my breast enlargement surgery on the 29th and I wore loose clothing to the hospital (leggings, t shirt and hoodie) and then coming home (I was a day patient) I wore a loose button up shirt and leggings as you’ll want to be in something comfy and easy to put on. I’m on day 5 post op and been living in pjs


    Wear normal clothes to surgery but pack a zip up hoodie and joggers for after. also best to wear shoes that go on easily 🙂

    Olias -1

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