whats involved in the next steps?? Started by: danielley

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    hi guys i have my consultation in leeds in june, which is free.. i just wondered what happens after this and how many other appointments you have to go to before the actual op, and do these appointments cost or is it included in the final price you pay?? also when is it they they give you the actual price for your BA…

    this would be a big help as i would then know what to expect thanksss guys!


    went for mine last week consultation that is i arraanged to see the surgeon on same day kill a few birds with one stone!surgeon messured told me what sizes we can do and a lady told me the price and asked me if i wanted to know avalible dates.
    i said yes chose june 9th paid that day
    and i need to go once more on friday for a little health check then thats it till im in surgery june the 9th xx


    and consultations are free xx


    aw yeah that would be easieras ill be driving an hour and half!! thanks.. big help xx


    yeah make sure you ask before hand to see surgeon also same day to avoid dissappointment good luck babe x


    i saw my suregeon on same day as my consultation and didnt make an appt… 1 pre op and then u wait for ur sugery date!! pretty good wen u work full time and have a little one!!


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    I’m going for my 1st consultation tomorrow. Can anyone tell me what happens at this appointment please? Xx

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